해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Digital Camera - 4K 44MP UHD Digital Cameras for Photography - Autofocus Point and Shoot Vlogging Camera with 16X Zoom, 32GB SD Card, 2 Batteries - Compact Small Camera for Kids Teens Boys Girls

상품번호 B0CYZXT4K9
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?【44MP & 4K UHD Digita Camera】The Vlogging camera captures stunning ultra-high-definition 44 MP images and 4K videos effortlessly with the latest CMOS metering system. It automatically delivers natural, vibrant colors and clear, vivid details without the need for complex manual settings. Recording your most exciting and memorable moments has never been easier.?【Autofocus & 16x Digital Zoom】Upgraded autofocus on this point and shoot digital camera ensures no more blurry or out-of-focus shots, so you\'ll never miss a captivating moment. The powerful 16x digital zoom allows you to capture clear images even from a distance, providing a unique photography experience.?【Multifunctional Camera Unleashing Creativity】This feature-rich small camera doubles as a webcam for live streaming and video blogging. The built-in flash ensures clear photos even in low-light conditions, while the integrated microphone enhances the vibrancy of your vlogs. Explore features like time-lapse, slow motion, burst mode, selfie mode, webcam functionality, smile recognition, and various creative filter effects to create engaging and fun photos.?️【Compact Travel Camera】The portable camera small yet powerful, weighing only 0.24 pounds with a 2.4-inch screen that captures expansive views. Included protective pouch and lanyard allow you to easily carry it on all your photography adventures. Comes with a 32GB memory card, two rechargeable batteries, and a USB data cable, ensuring you\'re prepared for your next trip or vacation.?【Easy to Operate & Perfect Gift】Designed for effortless use, this mini camera meets the daily photography needs of of all ages. Its intuitive buttons and simple menus ensure capturing every moment is as easy as pressing a button. It\'s a thoughtful gift for teen boys, girls, parents, or anyone who loves photography, making a delightful surprise for birthdays, Christmas, or any special occasion.

2024-09-05 13:52:29

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