해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Suction Plates with Lids for babies & Toddlers, 100% Silicon Food Grade, Strong Suction for Non Slip, Smiley Faces, Aqua Purple Mustard, Microwave Dish Washer Safe

상품번호 B0CZ13FM6S
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상품구분 Baby Products / Feeding
브랜드 Brand: Bebellay
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $17.98
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Baby Feeding Plates with Suction: This 3 pack of baby silicone plates comes with a strong suction base that stays put, ensuring less mess during meal times. Designed with 4 suctions for extra non-slip grip.Attraction Factor: Our baby led weaning plate features fun, smiley faces that will keep your little one entertained and happy during meal times. Comes in 3 vibrant colors: aqua green, purple and yellow mustard.Premium Quality: Made from 100% food-grade silicone, these baby silicone plates are perfect for babies 624 months. They\'re safe, durable, and designed to withstand even the most energetic meal times.Easy to Clean: Cleaning up after meal times is a breeze with these silicone plates for baby suction. They\'re both microwave and dishwasher safe, making them an essential addition to your baby feeding supplies.Practical Design: These 3 divided suction plates for babies are designed with lids, making it easy to store leftovers. They\'re the perfect choice for parents looking for practical, yet fun sticky plates for babies.
Say hello to the Bebellay 3 Pack Suction Plates for Baby and Toddler, a must-have for your baby\'s feeding journey. Our baby plates with suction are specially designed for babies 624 months and older, making them an ideal addition to your little one\'s weaning journey. They are not just ordinary plates, but a fun and exciting feeding solution that your little one would absolutely love. Each pack comes with 3 beautiful plates in aqua green, purple, and mustard. The smiley faces on the plates will keep your baby entertained and happy during meal times, making feeding a breeze for you. The plates are divided into 3 sections to help you serve a variety of foods, ensuring a balanced diet for your baby. The Bebellay suction plates for babies are made from 100% food grade silicone, ensuring the utmost safety for your baby. The strong 4-suction design keeps the plate in place, preventing your little one from tipping it over. Say goodbye to messy meal times as our silicone suction plate baby is here to save the day! Our baby silicone plate is an essential part of your baby led weaning supplies. It\'s not only practical, but also cute and fun. The sticky plates for babies are designed for your baby\'s small hands, making it easy for them to self-feed. With our silicone plates for baby suction, meal times will become a fun and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. Cleaning our baby feeding plates with suction is a piece of cake. They are dishwasher safe, making clean up a breeze. And if you need to warm up food, no problem! Our plates are microwave safe, too. So why wait? Add the Bebellay 3 Pack Suction Plates for Baby and Toddler to your cart today and make meal times joyful and mess- free!

2024-07-10 07:29:17

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