해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tourniquet,6-Packs Military Tourniquet with Reinforced Windlass Rod - One-Handed Spinning Design for Quick and Easy Blood Stop in Emergency First Aid - Essential Equipment for Medical Kits,TQ

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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Professional Medical Supplies
브랜드 Brand: musumen
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $31.75
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Reinforced nylon windlass rod: The windlass rod is made of nylon material with a maximum diameter of 12 mm. Compared with most other plastic rods on the market, it is thicker and stronger and can withstand greater torque without worrying about deformation and breakage.Stiffened Red Tip: Major bleeding is very urgent. The red oval marking on the tip provides an eye-catching visual cue to find it quickly,and the tip is stiffened to prevent curling, making it easier to pass through the buckle for quicker one-handed operation100% Effective Blocking of Bleeding: Windlass tourniquets are the most commonly used hemostatic equipment in the military field and are widely used on the battlefield. The principle is to increase the circumferential pressure on the limb by twisting the windlass rod to achieve complete hemostasis.The structure is simple and efficient, easy to operate, and also suitable for outdoor sports, adventure, medical emergencies and family life.Adjustable Full Size & Individually Packaged:The tourniquet unfolds to a length of 37.4 inches and can be adjusted with a single route buckle with strong teeth to accommodate most limbs.Individually self-sealing bag packaging for easy carrying and storage. Home medical kits, first aid kits,travel bags and car trunks should all store one for emergencies.High-strength Nylon Material: Compared with polyester and ordinary plastics, nylon has good cold resistance, corrosion resistance and deformation resistance, allowing tourniquets to be used under more extreme conditions.We are confident in the quality of our products and support returns and exchanges within 90 days. Good luck and hope you never get the chance to use a tourniquet.

2024-11-28 11:10:18

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