해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kinhank Super Console X5 PRO Retro Gaming Console with 16000+Games,Android 12.0 OS,Emulator Console Compatible with Most Emulators,8K UHD Output,WI-FI 6,BT 5.0,AV1,Gigabit Ethernet,Wireless Controller

상품번호 B0CZ6BBP13
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상품구분 Video Games / Legacy Systems
브랜드 Brand: Kinhank
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 263.99
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【Rich Classic Retro Games】Kinhank X5 PRO retro gaming console comes with 4TB hard drive pre-installed with 16,000+ video games,compatible with most 64bit emulator smoothly.no need to download & install,plug&play,supports add/delete/save/search/collect games,easy to use.【Super Powerful Chip】This retro console adopts RockChip RK3588S chipset,Main frequency up to 2.4GHz,provides more stable performance, faster running speed,more powerful image processing capabilities, thus ensuring smooth watching TV and playing games without lag or buffering.【8GB RAM+64GB ROM】X5 PRO Android box has 8GB RAM+64GB ROM large-capacity memory,supports up to 18TB hard disk expansion,provides ample space to quickly download more apps and games without worrying about running out of space.【8K Ultra HD Output】Kinhank X5 PRO emulator console is powered by Android 12.0 system,supports up to 8K UHD resolution,AV1 decoding technology provides real 4K@60fps display without any stuttering or buffering.HDR10/HDR10+ provides vivid colors, high contrast and realistic details,allow you enjoy an immersive audio-visual feast at home.【WI-FI 6+Gigabit Ethernet+BT 5.0】This video game console supports 2.4+5G Dual WI-FI 6,WIFI signal coverage is wider, connection is faster and more stable.BT 5.0 supports stable and faster connection to more BT devices.Gigabit Ethernet provides faster and more stable download and upload speeds.Small and portable, suitable for travel.【PC-Level Powerful Cooling Fun】The built-in silent cooling fan turns on automatically when the game consoles works,cool down quickly,keep the temperature at about 40-60℃ to avoid overheating and frame dropping problem,ensure you play games and watch movies with family or friend at home smoothly without lags or delays.【HD+DP Dual Screen Display】This game console supports HD 2.1(8K@60fps /4K@120fps) and DP1.4(8K@30fps)dual screen output,greatly improve work efficiency.USB 3.1 transfer speed is faster and more stable, no need to worry about lag or delay.【Kindly Note】The controller included works with X5 PRO game system under Android Mode,press “HOME+A”button at the same time to switch to android mode before play games. If any issue,please let us know,we will do our best to help you.

2024-11-30 11:41:35

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