해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GROWNSY Baby Car Camera with Astronaut Lens, Car Baby Monitor with Camera, 4.3'' HD Display w/Night Vision Wide Clear View for Baby, Car Seat Mirror for Baby Rear Facing to Observe Baby Easily

상품번호 B0CZ6J8WF6
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상품가격 $39.99
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?????????? ???? ??? ??????: Clearer night vision/More realistic color images/Adjustable brightness and contrast/Stable anti-shake/Wide view angle. Wires can make the camera more stable and secure. Even better, our baby car monitor features a cute and unique astronaut lens design to attract babies\' interest, reduce the possibility of baby crying, and make your driving journey more reassuring.??????????? ????? ??????: With built-in infrared lights, our upgraded night vision activates automatically in low light. Experience crystal-clear clarity and high-definition visuals without any disruptions, even on the darkest nights. With features that eliminate any snowflake-like interference, you\'re guaranteed a perfect view, ensuring you never miss a moment of your baby\'s actions.???? ???? ????? & ????????? ?????? ?????: Our car camera for babies provides a 120° wide angle lens so that you can see the entire backseat area. In addition, other baby car cameras may have issues with a purple and unclear display screen. In contrast, ours has more realistic colors and a high-definition display that allows you to observe the baby\'s subtle movements.?????????? ??????????/????????/??????????: Fine-tune the baby monitor\'s display by adjusting the brightness, contrast, and saturation to fit your preference. Whether you prefer a brighter screen or a softer tone, our baby car monitor offers personalized settings to deliver the ultimate visual experience.???? ??????? & ?????? ??????? ???????: Compared to traditional mirror monitors, our baby car camera with monitor offers exceptional anti-shake features, ensuring a clear and steady view of your baby\'s actions without the need to constantly adjust the mirror, providing you with peace of mind and enhanced safety during your drive.

2024-09-04 23:40:15

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