해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wand Pencils Lightning Bolt Tattoos Stickers and Wizard Glasses with Round Frame Party Favors Set for Birthday Halloween Magic Theme Party Supplies (36), Medium, Brown

상품번호 B0CZ6Q4QK8
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Toys & Games / Party Supplies
브랜드 Brand: JIAYUYA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $16.99
상품가격 상세보기

PACKAGE INCLUDES: The wizard party set includes 12pcs wand pencils,12pcs wizard glasses with round frame no lenses and 12pcs lightning bolt tattoos stickers. Adequate number to meet your different needs, you can share with your family and friends up to twelve people and play together.NOVELTY DESIGN: The tops design combines magic wand features to make the wizard pencil more realistic and more special. It also can as pens for writing and drawing. What a perfect combination of learning and play!QUALITY: The magic wand pencil is made of wood, fine workmanship, smooth and strong. The lightning tattoo stickers design from wizard theme film,the pattern is realistic and it easy to stick and remove. The wizard glasses made of black plastic, smooth glasses frame for various-face friendlyWidely Used: These magic theme set suits for your home or school theme party with your friends to have fun together. These wizard birthday party supplies are gifts and rewards for teens and adults who love wizards, especially on magicians and wizards themed parties, Halloween, birthdays, Christmas and other HolidaysEveryone has a magical dream, and nobody will refuse the wizard suits. This set can make magical dreams come true
These wands pencils and wizard glasses lightning bolt tattoos stickers can be as cosplay props, making the magic party more fun and interesting. And it can also be used as a decoration for making magic cakes. Party Decorations Birthday Gifts, Halloween Cosplay Accessories for Teens. Let the wizard dream come true! Specification ✔Quantity: 12 wands, 12 stickers, 12 glasses ✔Color:Black,White,Brown ✔Size:tattoos:2.4 x 1.8 inches ✔Glasses:5.1 x 2 inches ✔Wands:7.8 x 0.55 inches Warm notice: All dimensions are manually measured, please allow a small deviation. The colors may exist slight difference due to different screens.

2024-10-31 23:14:38

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