해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tacnology 24 Rolls 2" X 1" Direct Thermal Labels - Perforated Barcode Replacement Labels - Compatible with Rollo & Zebra Desktop Printers - FBA Adhesive Address Shipping Labels- 1300 Labels/Roll

상품번호 B0CZ6R8VM5
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상품가격 $57.99
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Specification: You will get 2inch x 1inch (51mm x 25mm) Barcode Address Shipping Replacement Label. 1” Core,1300 Labels/Roll, 24 Rolls/Case, Total 31200 Labels. Perforated for Easy Tear. Perfect for Barcode Labels & Return Address Labels.Exceptional Print Quality: High-quality thermal labels with premium permanent adhesive for clear prints, waterproofing, and oil resistance.Versatile Compatibility: Compatible with various thermal printers, including Zebra,-LP2824 , LP2844 , TLP2824 , TLP2844 , ZD410 , ZD420 , ZD500 , ZD620 , ZP450 , ZP500 , ZP505 , GC420d , GC420t , GK420d , GK420t , GX420d , GX420t , GX430t, Rollo, MUNBYN, and more. Suitable for major shipping carriers such as FedEx, USPS, UPS, DHL, providing a versatile labeling solution.Superior User Experience: User-friendly design prevents paper jams during the printing process, enhancing overall efficiency.Multi-Purpose Usage: Widely applicable for shipping labels, inventory management, and product identification.Perfect for festive occasions like Christmas gifts with an ideal size and color scheme.

2024-09-05 08:59:15

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