해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MUNBYN 2024 Android 13 Barcode Scanner with 5.5" Full Screen, Mobile Computer Handheld Wi-Fi 6, 4G LTE Wireless NFC Rugged PDA, Equip with1D 2D QR Zebra SE4710 Scanner Engine, WMS Inventory Scanner

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상품가격 $549.90
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?Android 13 Version: Building upon the IPDA086 series, the Android operating system has been advanced from Android 11 to Android 13 in the latest iteration of the series. This update brings forward strengthened privacy protections, augmented options for customization, and superior compatibility features. Ensuring the protection and security of your data for the android barcode scanner\'s entire lifespan, thereby safeguarding against the disclosure of information and work outcomes. We could help you test your apps before you purchase in bulk.✅Enhanced User Experience: Featuring Wi-Fi 6, this barcode scanner delivers data transfer speeds up to three times faster than Wi-Fi 5, enabling smooth collaboration among teams and efficient training as needed, thereby transforming warehouse operations. It empowers companies to effectively tackle labor deficits and has the potential to increase work efficiency by as much as 300%.✅Rugged & Compact: The device equip with Zebra SE4710 scanner engine, ensuring swift barcode scanning capabilities, even for those that are damaged or unclear. It is outfitted with a pre-installed scanner application known as infowedge, enhancing the Android barcode scanner\'s ability to swiftly gather information, which in turn saves labor and time. Boasting an IP65 rating, this Android barcode scanner is protected against damage from both water immersion and dust exposure. Additionally, it is equipped with a hand strap belt to prevent accidental drops, and offers robust drop protection from heights of up to 1.8 meters (5.91 feet), ensuring the durability of the Android barcode scanner.✅Durable and Clear Display: This Android barcode scanner features a large 5.5-inch touch screen, the biggest in its category, ensuring clear visibility for its users even outdoors due to its excellent sunlight readability. Reinforced with impact-resistant Corning Gorilla Glass and an additional replaceable protector, this rugged Android handheld scanner is designed to extend the lifespan of the PDA\'s display, maintaining reliability for any task at hand.✅[Excellent & Suitable] High features for the right budget, keep up with your growing business. This Android barcode scanner is equipped with an exceptional CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 6115 1.8GHz Octa-core, plus massive memory 3GB+32GB. Compatible with “Odoo” and “Zoho Inventory” inventory management software. The camera and the scan engine cannot be running at the same time.

2024-10-01 17:01:08

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