해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Homeiju Queen Size Platform Bed Frame with Wooden Headboard and Footboard, Heavy Duty Metal Slats Support, No Box Spring Needed, Under Bed Storage, Non-Slip, Noise Free, Easy Assembly, Walnut

상품번호 B0CZDF7N68
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상품가격 $129.99
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Minimalist Modern Design:The sleek and minimalist design of this metal bed frame allows it to seamlessly blend into any bedroom interior. Whether you have a modern or traditional style, this bed frame can effortlessly elevate the overall look and feel of your space. The neutral color and clean lines make it a versatile choice for various bedroom décors.Easy Assembly:This bed frame is designed to provide a hassle-free installation process. With its simple and sturdy design, it can be easily assembled without the need for any additional tools or complicated instructions. It is made from high-quality iron material, ensuring long-lasting durability and stability.Sturdy, Stable & Durable:This bed frame is built with a focus on providing a secure and comfortable sleep experience. The sturdy construction ensures that the bed frame can support your mattress and weight without any wobbling or creaking noises. You can enjoy a restful night\'s sleep knowing that this bed frame is reliable and built to last.Versatile compatibility with Various Mattress Sizes:This bed frame has been designed to accommodate a wide range of mattress sizes, including twin, full, queen, and king. Whether you already have a mattress or plan to upgrade in the future, this bed frame will ensure a perfect fit. Its adjustable design makes it compatible with different mattress thicknesses as well, providing flexibility and convenience for all your bedding needs.Noise-free and Under-bed Storage:With ample storage space underneath, this iron bed allows you to keep your bedroom tidy and clutter-free.The sturdy construction of this bed ensures minimal noise, providing a peaceful sleeping environment.

2025-01-09 01:04:25

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