해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
12 Packs Nylon Badminton Shuttlecocks Birdies Nylon Feather Shuttlecocks Badminton Birdies Great Stability & Durability Indoor Outdoor Sports Hight Speed Training Badminton Balls

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❤【Material】: Nylon birdies badminton are a modern alternative to traditional feather shuttlecocks, crafted from durable nylon materials.Strict selection of nylon feathers, good toughness, high compressive strength, not afraid of extreme cold and heat.❤【Stability】: The high-quality nylon material and sturdy structure endow feather birdies for badminton with unparalleled stability and durability, making it an ideal choice for beginners.❤【durability】: Engineered for optimal performance and longevity, these birdy badminton are designed to deliver consistent flight trajectories and reliable playability. A good ball makes you invincible.❤【Foam ball head】: The head of Badminton Ball is made of soft foam, which has good elasticity, is not easy to break and deform, and has good impact resistance.❤【Excellent Sports】: badminton shuttlecocks feather is a sport suitable for all ages, which can help reduce weight, enhance physical fitness, and improve reaction ability. LIUTOVO badminton+birdies is a great choice for you to strengthen your body.

2024-06-07 00:41:54

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