해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Propane Torch for Map Gas,Propane Torch Head with Igniter,Torch Head for Soldering,Grilled Steak(Black,Fuel Not Included,CSA)

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상품가격 21.59
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?【High Intensity Swirl Flame】 - The propane torch uses propane fuel or MAPP gas to provide a high temperature blue flame that provides the required heat output for the work project being carried out.?【Easy Operation】 - Automatic start/stop ignition button allows easy ignition and quick extinguishing of the flame. Instant on/off trigger ignition for improved fuel efficiency and ease of use.?【Quality Materials 】- The RTMMFG propane torch is made from a robust die-cast torch body and stainless steel for easy operation and greater durability.Compatible with CGA600 with replaceable fittings.We have passed the CSA certification, which can give you one more security.?【Wide Range of Applications】 - Our map gas torch kit is fueled by Propane, MAPP, or MAP-PRO cylinders with a CGA600 connector. Our map gas torch head is easy to trigger, starting or extinguishing the flame with a simple 1-click action, enhancing fuel efficiency. This mag torch is perfect for a range of applications including welding, brazing, soldering copper, heat shrinking, snow melting, and searing steak.

2024-11-29 01:42:16

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