해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TCL 75-Inch Q65 QLED 4K UHD Smart TV with Google TV (75Q651G, 2024 Model) Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, HDR Pro+, Game Accelerator Enhanced Gaming, Voice Remote, Works with Alexa, Streaming Television

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상품가격 $748.00
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4K UltraHD Resolution - Experience incredible detail with 4X the resolution of 1080p Full HDTVs.QLED PRO – Quantum Dot Technology - Rich, vibrant colors covering nearly the entire DCI-P3 color space to bring images to life.High Brightness+ LED Backlight - Q6 models produce brighter images for enhanced viewing experience for all your favorite movies and TV shows.TCL AIPQ Processor with Deep Learning AI - Powerful, advanced processor intelligently optimizes the color, contrast, and clarity for an unrivaled 4K HDR experience.HDR PRO+ with Dolby Vision, HDR10+, HDR10, & HLG - Enjoy enhanced contrast, accurate colors and fine details utilizing all the most advanced HDR formats.Motion Rate 240 with MEMC Frame Insertion - Combines multiple motion enhancement technologies for best-in-class motion clarity.Game Accelerator 120 - With up to fast 120 VRR, enjoy more responsive gameplay without lag, designed to keep you at the top of any leaderboard.Auto Game Mode (ALLM) - Automatically enables game mode for the lowest possible input lag and latency for an unmatched gaming performance.Dolby Atmos Audio - Advanced spatial audio processing can be found in movies, TV shows, and video games.Enhanced Dialogue Mode - Audio Setting for better clarity and intelligibility in movies, TV shows, and video games.
TCL Q6 Class Smart TVs combine premium picture technology with outstanding value for endless entertainment. QLED Quantum Dot technology and HDR PRO+ with Dolby Vision you can enjoy enhanced contrast, accurate colors and fine details utilizing all the most advanced HDR formats with Motion Rate 240 with MEMC frame insertion for exceptional motion clarity. TCL’s High Brightness+ Direct LED Backlight produces brighter images for an enhanced viewing experience for all your favorite movies and TV shows. Now featuring the TCL AIPQ Processor that optimizes each scene for an unrivaled cinematic experience. Beyond movies and TV shows, you can get in the game with Game Accelerator 120* together with Auto Game Mode for the lowest latency for a more responsive gameplay without lag, designed to keep you at the top of any leaderboard. Including Dolby Atmos, DTS Virtual:X, and a new Enhanced Dialogue Mode, TCL Q6 TVs provide a complete audio package. TCL Q Class Smart TVs: Compelling Color and Choice.

2024-07-11 21:36:27

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