해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RC Trucks 8WD Offroad Waterproof,50Mins Playing Time Battery,1: 12 Large Remote Control Monster Truck for Boys Girls,Amphibious Gift Toy for Kids Age 6 7 8 9 10 11

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상품가격 $46.99
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8WD Remote Control Truck:The truck has UNIQUE 8 WHEEL DESIGH,which is different from others 4WD truck,it provides strong powerful motor and flexible control for giving you a thrilling driving experience50Mins Battery Life:The package comes with a 7.4V 900mAh rechargeable battery,which provide 50Mins playing time when it full in charge.Long endurance allows you to enjoy different driving experiencesAmphibious Toy Truck:The truck is designed with all-round sealing and waterproofing,which make it work freely in the water.In the meanwhile,the 8 wheel design provides strong power for traveling fast on he land.Dual use of one vehicleStrong Power for All Terrain:The 8 rubber off-road wheels is more special than 4WD vehicle,it enhances off-road performance both land and water.The truck is adapt to a variety of terrain such as glass,water,ghat and roadGift Car Toy for Kids Adults:The truck is easy to control,suitable for kids or adults.It is the best choice as Birthday and Christmas gifts for kids over 6 years old. Take it home, it\'s a perfect surprise for kids

2024-11-30 19:16:21

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