해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, 180W Power Suction Stick Vacuum Cleaners with 2200 mAh Battery,6-in-1 Lightweight Self-Standing, 35 Mins Runtime for Home Hard Floor Low-Pile Carpet Pet Hair

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상품가격 $79.99
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✨【Ultra Powerful Suction】Cordless vacuum cleaner featuring a 180W upgraded motor with two adjustable power modes, capable of capturing pet hair, bread crumbs, cat litter, and various weighted debris on hardwood floors, low-pile carpets, and tiles. The sponge construction of the body reduces noise (65dB), ensuring a clean environment and a quiet atmosphere.NOTE:This vacuum is only suitable with low-pile carpet. Long-pile carpets may stop or burn out the motor. If it stops, please clean up the floor brush and the air inlet of the main unit and then it will recover.✨【MAX 35-Minute Runtim】The cordless vacuum cleaners for home is powered by six 2200mAh rechargeable batteries, offering a rapid 4.5-hour charge.It provides a runtime of 15-20 minutes (in maximum mode) to 30-35 minutes (in standard mode). The detachable battery includes a charge indicator.We recommend fully charging the battery before first and each use.The new battery need to be activated with 2-3 cycles of full charge and total depletion to make it match with the main machine unit to get the optimal working hours.✨【6-Layer High-Efficiency Filtration System】Comprised of HEPA filter cotton, stainless steel filter, double cyclonic separation, and an exhaust sponge,the cordless vacuum can effectively eliminating 99.99% of dust as small as 0.2 microns. Note: Regularly clean the filters/sponge every month and replace them every 2-3months to prevent weakening and clogging. Remove them before rinsing to avoid motor damage.✨【Super Practical Design】With anti-toppling stability for self-standing,the cordless stick vacuum cleaner allows interruptions or breaks and ensures child safety. The 180°&90°adjustable LED-equipped floor brush doesn’t miss any dust under furniture. One-click dust cup emptying eliminates and New V-shaped anti-tangling brush make it easy to clean.No need to touch the dust.✨【Multi-Functional Brushes】With a 2-in-1 brush, crevice tool, and extendable wand,you can clean various household cleaning needs like ceilings, sofa crevices, tables, curtains, and cars. The handheld vacuum cordless unit\'s weight is only 2.8 pounds, ensuring comfortable extended handheld use.

2024-10-01 08:13:46

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