해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Electric Diatomaceous Earth Duster Compatible for DeWalt 20V Battery(Battery Not Included), Garden Dust Applicator with 1L Capacity and 7.5" Nozzle, Versatile Leaf Blower & Powder Sprayer

상품번호 B0CZRP3D4F
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Gardening & Lawn Care
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상품가격 $59.99
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BATTERY-POWERED EFFICIENCY: Engineered specifically compatible for DeWalt 20V lithium-ion batteries (Fit for DCB206, DCB205, DCB204, DCB181, DCB182, DCB200, DCB203, DCB205-2, DCB204-2, DCB206-2, and more), this electric duster integrates seamlessly with your existing power tool ecosystem. Get the job done with unmatched power and reliability, making it an essential addition to your garden care arsenal.SUPERIOR REACH AND CAPACITY: With a spacious 1-liter container and a 7.5-inch nozzle, this duster gives you the reach and capacity needed for large-scale projects. Whether you\'re dusting your expansive garden, home, coop, or barn, the Dinftin duster ensures you cover more ground with fewer refills.MULTI-PURPOSE VERSATILITY: More than just a duster, this tool transforms into a leaf blower with ease. Clear debris, start campfires, or inflate small items like pool floats. The Dinftin duster/blower is your all-in-one solution for countless tasks around your property.ERGONOMIC COMFORT: At a mere 2.5 pounds, this lightweight duster features an ergonomic, anti-slip silicone grip that feels natural in your hand. Enjoy prolonged use without discomfort, making it a joy to operate for hours on end.TIME-SAVING ELECTRIC DESIGN: Say goodbye to labor-intensive manual methods. The Dinftin electric duster lets you quickly and effortlessly distribute diatomaceous earth, saving you significant time and effort compared to traditional hand-operated tools. It\'s a must-have for every gardener and homeowner.
Product Description: Transform Your Gardening and Cleaning Routine with Dinftin\'s Electric Diatomaceous Earth Duster. Engineered for versatility and ease of use, this battery-powered tool is a game-changer for gardeners, homeowners, and anyone seeking a better way to apply diatomaceous earth and other powders. Imagine effortlessly covering your garden beds, flower pots, and indoor spaces with the precise application of beneficial powders. The Dinftin duster is built to compatible for DeWalt 20V batteries, providing a seamless integration into your existing toolkit. No need to recharge or swap batteries mid-task; just plug in your trusted compatible for DeWalt battery and get started. The large 1-liter capacity ensures you can cover more ground before needing to refill, saving you time and effort. Plus, the 7.5-inch nozzle delivers a controlled, even spread, making it perfect for hard-to-reach areas and broad coverage. But that\'s not all—this innovative tool also functions as a leaf blower. Quickly clear your deck, driveway, or workshop of debris. The compact and lightweight design (only 2.5 lbs) paired with a comfortable, anti-slip handle makes it a pleasure to use for extended periods. Whether you\'re a seasoned gardener looking to keep your plants flourishing, a homeowner desiring a tidy outdoor space, or someone who appreciates having the right tools for the job, the Dinftin Electric Diatomaceous Earth Duster is your new secret weapon. Experience the difference today and elevate your daily routines with Dinftin\'s commitment to quality and functionality. Package List: 1 x Diatomaceous Earth Duster 1 x Leaf Blower 1 x Single-Tube 1 x use manual Specifications: Power Supply: compatible for Dewalt 20V Battery Spray bottle material: high quality ABS plastic Nozzle material: copper pipe Spray bottle capacity: 1L Nozzle length: 7.5 inches

2025-01-08 02:56:45

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