해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Portable Bottle Warmer, Nano Film Heating 12 oz, Reservation Function, 9000mAhLarge Capacity Lithium Battery, 55WPower, Fast Charging, Anti-Dry and Anti-Burn Baby Travel Warmer, m

상품번호 B0CZWTM3R2
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상품가격 $64.99
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Portable bottle warmer for travel can be preset to a specific time and temperature for heating, allowing your baby to enjoy warm milk anytime, anywhere. mTravel bottle warmer uses nano-film heating technology, with 55W power output, quickly heats 5 ounces of water to 113°F in 3 minutes, fast charging, built-in 9000mAh lithium battery. mPortable bottle warmer for breastmilk features an inner liner made of SUS316L stainless steel, which is heat-resistant and maintains a constant temperature for a longer duration. mBottle warmer on the go precisely controls the temperature of nutritious breast milk/formula through an LED display. Features dry-burning protection without water and an anti-touch smart lock, mPortable bottle warmer is lightweight and stylish, easily fits into a handbag or diaper bag, making it an excellent choice for home, office, or outdoor travel., m

2024-09-05 15:31:45

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