해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MB2 Manual Coffee Grinder, External Adjustment, 35g Large Capacity Burr Grinder, Magnetic Catch Cup Less Mess, Stainless Steel Burr Espresso Grinder Great Flavor in Pour Over, French Press

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상품가격 $69.90
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【Generous Capacity, Premium Materials Burr Grinder】: Constructed with a full aluminum body and 420 high-strength stainless steel conical burrs, without any plastic or glass components, ensuring safety, durability, and a premium feel. The four-bearing structure further ensures grinding quality stability. Grinds over 35g of medium roasted coffee beans in one go.【Easy Adjustment, Precision Grinding】: Intuitive and effortless external adjustment, so you don\'t have to open the grinder body to find the adjustment knob. The adjustment method, located externally at the top of the grinder, turns clockwise for a coarser grind and counterclockwise for a finer grind. The MB2 offers two rotations with a total of 144 adjustable grind settings, with each setting changing the grind size by only 15μm. suitable for Espresso and Moka Pot, Pour Over, Cold Brew, Drip Coffee, and French Press.【Less Mess, Easy-to-Clean Design】: The powder container connects to the grinder body magnetically, making it convenient and quick to detach. The MB2 utilizes magnetic properties to effectively reduce static electricity, causing the coffee grinder magnetic cup to vibrate rhythmically against the grinder body when rotated, preventing spillage when removing the powder container. The burr set can be disassembled without the need for tools, making it easy to thoroughly clean the hand coffee grinder.【Effortless Performance, Convenient Operation】: The engineers at burrbuzz have achieved the optimal balance between grinding efficiency and required effort. Coarser grinding is highly efficient, while finer grinding requires minimal effort, ensuring that grinding a shot of espresso won\'t strain your hand, making the experience joyful. As a portable coffee grinder, the full-metal machine is suitable for camping or travel, and a large capacity can satisfy those who enjoy large servings of coffee.【After Services Support, Don’t Hesitate to Order 】: Our U.S.-based customer service and professional technology team will respond within 48 hours, ensuring your satisfaction with this coffee grinder manual.

2025-01-10 20:02:43

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