해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Silicone Baby Feeding Set, 15 Pieces Baby Silicone Tableware Set, Dinner Plate and Bowl/Bib/Training Cup/Finger Toothbrush/Fork and Spoon/Crab Style Silicone Baby Plate Bowl Set(purple)

상품번호 B0D12GKKG3
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상품구분 Baby Products / Feeding
브랜드 Brand: mraisebossup
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $35.99
상품가격 상세보기

Silicone tableware for babies and children,the perfect silicone cutlery set for training your baby to self-feed,All kinds of plates, bowls, forks and spoons,mraisebossup specializes in food-grade silicone feeding utensils for babies and toddlers,The perfect gift for babies 6 months and older。【SAFETY】Made of natural food silicone, 100% free of BPA, lead and PVC, can withstand +240 ℃ high temperature and -40 ℃ low temperature, this set of baby silicone tableware can be used in the microwave, pot steaming, refrigerator and other environments, safe and non-toxic! You can rest assured that it can be used to hold rice, milk, bread, fruit, fluids and other kinds of staple food supplements【PERFECT SET】This is a beautiful baby feeding set, suitable for baby\'s self-feeding after weaning, with cute shape. There are 15 pieces inside, including: 1 adjustable baby bib, 1 training cup with handle, 1 dinner plate with suction, 1 snail bowl with suction, 1 flat bowl with suction, 1 finger toothbrush, 1 chewable bunny shaped teether, 1 straw lid, 1 snack lid, 6 different styles of forks and spoons【EASY TO CLEAN】mraisebossup silicone toddler tableware is very easy to clean, even with water rinsing can be washed clean, it is lightweight, waterproof, easy to dry, can be used over and over again for a long time without replacement. All parts are safe to place in dishwasher, sterilizer and other environments for cleaning【HELP YOUR BABY GROW】 Cute shape tableware, it can better attract the attention of young children, so that your baby is more interested in eating, plates and bowls with suction cups at the bottom, strong suction so that it is not easy to be knocked over, bibs can be adjusted in size, teething gums can help your baby better teething and teething to avoid the problem of small hands in the mouth, and you can wear our silicone finger toothbrushes to help your baby clean the oral cavity

2024-06-03 19:15:24

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