해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TOMLOV TriL110 10.1" 3 Lens 2K HDMI Digital Microscope 2500X, Coin Microscope Magnifier for Entire Coins with IPS Screen, LCD Soldering Microscope for Adults, 14 LED Lights, PC/TV View, 64GB, Black

상품번호 B0D12SVWSC
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상품가격 119.99
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【Effortless Triple-Lens Switching】TOMLOV TriL110 3 lens HDMI digital microscope is designed for effortless versatility and unparalleled convenience. With a simple rotation of the lens barrel, you can seamlessly switch between three different lenses, eliminating the cumbersome process of manually changing lenses. This innovative design streamlines your workflow, allowing for quick adjustments and continuous observation without interruption, perfect for professionals and enthusiasts alike.【Outstanding Coin Lens 1000X】The lens 1000X of this coin microscope with a magnification range of 2X to 1000X. Specifically designed for coin enthusiasts, this lens allows you to explore coins in remarkable detail, from minute local features to entire coins view. Effortlessly capture and analyze coins from one dime to one dollar. Ideal for numismatists, it offers unparalleled precision in observing coins, making it the perfect tool for your detailed study and collection.【Powerful Soldering Lens 1500X】The lens 1500X of this soldering microscope with a magnification range of 10X to 1500X. Perfectly suited for soldering work, this lens offers exceptional detail clarity, making intricate tasks easier and more precise. The longer bracket & larger base provide ample space for soldering operations, ensuring a stable and spacious work area. Ideal for precision tasks such as watch repair and soldering, this digital microscope is your go-to tool for high-precision work.【Advanced Biological Lens 2500X】The lens 2500X of this 3 lens digital microscope with a magnification range of 2000X to 2500X. This advanced lens allows you to easily explore the microscopic world beyond the naked eye, making it perfect for observing biological slides with exceptional clarity. Ideal for hobbyists, curious minds and students, our microscope with screen provides the high magnification needed to delve into intricate structures and tiny organisms.【Guarantee an Exceptional Visual Experience】TOMLOV TriL110 3 lens coin microscope features an advanced 10.1-inch IPS screen, HD 24MP photo resolution & 2K video resolution. These advanced features combine to deliver an outstanding visual experience, allowing you to see even the finest details with remarkable clarity, to enjoy stunningly clear images, vibrant colors, and a wide 178-degree viewing angle.【Real-Time HDMI & USB Ouput for Larger View】This feature allows you to easily connect to larger screens for enhanced viewing, making it perfect for detailed examinations and presentations. Share your discoveries with others in real-time, whether you\'re in a classroom, lab, or simply showcasing your findings to friends and family. Our HDMI microscope ensures a more immersive and collaborative experience, bringing the microscopic world to life with unparalleled clarity and convenience.【Excellent Lighting System】Except the built-in 12 LED main lights around lens, this lcd digital microscope is also equipped with 2 gooseneck side lights and a slides bottom light. All three types of lights can be dimmed and charged independently to provide more excellent detail and optimal clarity in various environments and allow to capture picture or video in some dark places. Provides sufficient light, allowing you to observe the clearest details of objects in various environments.【Record and Share Your Fascinating Discoveries】With the one-button capture and video recording function of the coin microscope for error coins, you can easily record and save your fascinating discoveries. And with the included 64GB SD card, you have ample storage space to transfer and share your images and videos with others. Whether you\'re a student, teacher, or enthusiast, TOMLOV TriL110 microscope for soldering is the perfect tool for capturing and sharing the wonders of the micro world.【Taller 12.6" Stand with Larger Base】Our electronic microscope features a taller 12.6 inches stand that the lens 1000X can easily capture the entire coin view from one dime to one dollar, and allows for easy observation of larger objects. The larger base (7*8 inches) and taller stand provide ample workspace for soldering operations, ensuring a stable and spacious work area. It is an ideal choice for coin collection and soldering tasks.【Wireless Remote Control for Enhanced Stability】This coin magnifier with light is equipped with a convenient wireless remote control, allowing you to easily perform remote operations such as adjusting magnification, capturing photos, or recording videos. The wireless remote control eliminates screen shaking, reduces the risk of disturbing samples, and ensures a more precise observation experience.

2024-11-30 21:14:35

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