해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tourniquet, Fastest Emergency Tourniquets with Reinforced Windlass Rod and Pen, Combat Hemostasis kit Single-Handed Application for Military, Medical, School Training, Outdoor, Hiking (10, Dark Green)

상품번호 B0D14BV8PH
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Professional Medical Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Miedecdel
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 31.98
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【Personal Emergency Tourniquet】Miedecdel tourniquet is not only suitable for professionals, but also for generalists. It will effectively and quickly block blood flow, inhibit arterial blood flow, save lives, and save emergency time.【 Professional Materials 】 This Tactical tourniquet kit is made of professional grade materials, reinforced and sewn, with high tensile strength and stable fixation. Equipped with self-adhesive tape and pen, it can be used in any weather conditions, easy to clean and reuse.【Easy to Operate】 With its one handed application design, this Turnakit medical kit allows you to easily take care of the injured or apply it to yourself when needed. Easy to use nylon buckle and rotating rod technology, this Turnicate kit can be easily used with one hand in emergency situations【Easy to Carry】 Our tactical tourniquet measures 37.4 inches and is suitable for most people\'s arms and legs. It is designed for one handed operation, making it quick and easy to place one hand on the limbs. This bag is only 5 inches long and can be carried in a backpack or pocket for personal use.【Essential Emergency Kit addition】 Where you are a military professional, law enforcement officer, first res ponder, or outdoor hospitality, our holder for tournaments are vital for your emergency preparedness, ensuring you are ready to handle unexpected situations with ease and confidence Each tour comes individually wrapped with their own set of instructions

2024-11-28 11:09:29

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