해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TANYO Handheld Vacuum Cordless Rechargeable, Car Vacuum Cleaner Portable 15KPA Strong Suction, Hand Held Vacuum Brushless 5 in1 with LED Lights, Small Vacuum 120W for Car, Home, Office, Pet, Dust

상품번호 B0D16YLB1B
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상품가격 $39.99
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Strong Suction & Quiet Operation: This handheld vacuum features a powerful 15000Pa brushless motor with 2 adjustable modes (ECO-10KPa and MAX-15KPa) to effortlessly clean pet hair, debris, and crumbs from your car, home, or office. Despite its high power, it operates at a noise level below 65dB, ensuring a quiet and peaceful cleaning experience, while its compact size ensures convenient usage anytime and anywhere. Perfect for car detailing and home use, this car vacuum cleaner high power.LED Light & Professional Accessories: Rechargeable wireless design enables the handheld vacuum to operate without constrains of power cords, It can be used for cars but also perfect for home, office and RV travel. The vacuum cleaner features a built-in LED light that illuminates dark areas, making it easier to clean hard-to-reach corners. It comes with 3 professional accessories-an extension, a floor brush and a cleaning brush - to meet different cleaning needs.Long Life & Easy Trash Disposal: With its built-in 2500mAh Li-ion battery and a fast charging port, TANYO car vacuums with best suction cordless can work up to 27 minutes continuously. The portable vacuum cordless with USB-C charging cable has the latest fast charging technology, and fully charging only takes 3.8 hours. The 850ml dust cup allows you to handle more dirt in a single go. The washable and reusable HEPA filter ensures efficient suction power while preventing blockage.Upgraded Filtration & Clogging Function: Comes with an upgraded filtration system and a clogging function to protect the cordless vacuum. When the HEPA gets dirty, air will not go through it. The suction power may decrease or the car vacuum cleaner may stop working to prevent damage to the motor. You can rely on this feature to maintain optimal suction power and extend the lifespan of the hand held vacuum.Exceptional Customer Support: The small vacuum cleaner helps your family, friends and lover make mundane chores effortless and enjoy a more comfortable, clean and healthy life, bringing unique surprises to them at special days. We offer a professional after-sales team with 24-hour online response. If you have any questions or problems about the aspiradora para carro, don\'t hesitate to contact with us.

2025-02-05 13:22:54

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