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85381-34030 Premium Wiper Washer Nozzles Fit for Toyota FJ Cruiser 2007-2014 | Sequoia 2004-2007 | Tundra 2004-2006, Windshield Washer Fluid Jet Nozzle | Easy to Install | 2 Pack, Ref 8538134030

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REPLACE FOR PART#: Direct Replace for OE # 85381-34030, 8538134030. Best in Quality, Affordable, Reliable and Built to Last.SMART OPTION: The 2 Holes Fan Pattern Windshield Washer Nozzles Kit Stands out as the Smart Option.FIT LIKE A GLOVE: Perfect Fit, Easy to Install and Works Great, Spray Better than Stock. Fits Both the Left Side and Right Side.VEHICLE FITMENT: The Windshield Washer Nozzle Jet Kit Fit for Toyota FJ Cruiser 2007-2014 | Sequoia 2004-2007 | Tundra 2004-2006.PACKAGE INCLUDED: Included 2 Pcs Windshield Washer Nozzle Jet Assembly.
Feature: Affordable, Designed for reliable performance and high quality, The 2 Holes Fan Pattern windshield washer nozzles stands out as the smart option. Premium aftermarket Dual-Spray wiper nozzles. Aftermarket part # 85381-34030, 8538134030. Fit like a glove, part snapped in and it was easy to install the wiper fluid tube. Vehicle Fitment: Windshield washer nozzle jet fit for Toyota FJ Cruiser 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; Windshield washer nozzle jet fit for Toyota Sequoia 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; Windshield washer nozzle jet fit for Toyota Tundra 2004; 2005; 2006;

2025-01-11 19:06:31

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