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Fujikura New Model FSM-45S Clad Alignment Welding Fusion Splicer with CT-50 Cleaver (Instead of FSM-41S)

상품번호 B0D1C81BB7
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브랜드 Brand: Japan-Fujikura
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상품가격 $4,200.00
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Fujikura FSM-45S welding splicer
Clad Alignment Fusion Splicer The Essential Splicer *****Faster operation****** ■Simultaneous fiber preparation Fiber preparation, stripping, cleaving, and setting in the splicer usually needs repeating separately for both left and right-side fibers. The 45S process does away with that and enables simultaneous fiber preparation thanks to the new SS05 fiber stripper, the new AD-16A fiber adapter for the CT50 cleaver and the clever set plate mechanism of the 45S itself. ●Simultaneous fiber stripping The SS05 fiber stripper is equipped with four blades: ① for 2mm/3mm, ② for 900µm, ③④ for 250µm fibers. Using blades ③ & ④ allows simultaneous stripping of 250µm fibers. ●Simultaneous fiber cleaving The new AD-16A fiber adapter for the CT50 cleaver is equipped with two grooves. Placing one fiber in each groove provides simultaneous cleaving. ●Simultaneous fiber setting Previous fusion splicers required two-handed operation to close fiber clamp and hold the fiber. Thanks to a new clamp mechanism, the 45S close with fiber setting and rovides one-handed fiber setting and simultaneous fiber setting. ■Faster fiber transportation time The 45S is equipped with a mechanism linking the wind protector and fiber clamp so when you open wind protector, the fiber clamps open automatically. The 45S is also equipped with retention clamps which are reputed by our conventional fusion splicer models. The retention clamps prevent the fiber from jumping out after the fiber clamps are opened. These mechanisms work in tandem to provide easy fiber handling and a reduction in the time it takes to transfer the fiber to the heater. ■Faster heating time The heater for shrinking the protection sleeve is designed to heat the protection sleeve between two heaters in the front and rear. It shortens 15% of the heating time in case of using FP-03 sleeve. ■30% faster than previous model Thanks to the way the 45S streamlines the preparation process, reduces transport time and delivers faster heating, it is 30% faster than the 41S+ it replaces. ******User-friendly design****** ■Movable LCD monitor The 45S is equipped with a movable 4.95-inch color LCD monitor to ensure optimum visibility in a range of conditions, even when outside under direct sunlight. ■Easy sleeve positioning The space between the edges of the left and right fiber clamp edges is 60mm, as per the image to the left. This distance allows for easy sleeve positioning, with the splice point positioned in the middle of the sleeve. The scale on the heater shows the guide for other sleeve lengths, for example 40mm. ■Removable battery The removable battery makes replacement easy and convenient. ■Smaller footprint The cube shape provides a reduced base area while also giving the user a large operating space. ■Carrying case with work tray The configurable 45S carrying case provides various usage configurations. Removing the work tray from the carrying case allows the tray to expand. Using the work tray with the strap provides a portable work surface and the strap can be fixed to the work tray at the sides of the splicer to secure the usability. Secure working space, Increased security when used with a belt ******Consistent quality****** ■Active Fusion Control The 45S is equipped with Fujikura Active Fusion Control Technology, which analyses the fiber image during fusion and controls the arc discharge accordingly. The result is stable splice loss irrespective of the environment. ●Control by fiber cleaved surface A bad cleave end face is a potential reason for high splice loss. The 45S can address this because it’s equipped to control fusion according to the condition of the cleaved surface. This function helps reduce splice loss by compensating for poor cleaves. ●Real-time fusion control The 45S analyses the fiber image during fusion and controls fusion power according to the real-time condition of the fiber. This helps to minimize splice loss irrespective of the environment. This process also provides Warm Splice Image (WSI) technology. WSI analyses during the splice and provides loss estimation, even though the 45S is a clad alignment splicer. It would help to prevent the case of “good loss estimation but bad actual loss”. ■Active Blade Management The 45S monitors the blade condition of the CT50 cleaver via wireless communication. When the 45S judges that the blade is worn, it will command the CT50 to rotate the blade to a new position to ensure the CT50 keeps delivering consistent cleaving performance. ******Additional features****** ■Splice+ app The Splice+ app provides convenient splicer management by wireless communications, between the 45S and mobile phone. ●Smart lock A break in the pairing of wireless communication between the splicer and mobile phone can lock the splicer which prevents misuse and works as an anti-theft measure. ●Data management The data management function retrieves data from the splicer and saves it to the cloud. This data can include the GPS data of a phone, which is useful for splicer operation management. Fujikura FSM-45S Standard Items Item Model Qty Clad Alignment Fusion Splicer 45S 1 pc (1) Battery Pack BTR-17 1 pc (2) AC Adapter ADC-21 1 pc (3) AC Power Cord ACC-08, 09, 10, 11 or 12 1 pc (4) USB Cable USB-01 1 pc (5) Electrodes, for spare ELCT2-16B 1 pair (6) Carrying Case CC-45 1 pc (7) Work Tray WT-10 1 pc (8) Tripod Screw TS-03 1 pc (9) Carrying Case Strap ST-04 1 pc (10) Alcohol Dispenser AP-02 1 pc (11) Quick Reference Guide QRG-08-E, C or J 1 pc Single Fiber Stripper SS05 1 pc Optical Fiber Cleaver CT50 1 pc (1) Fiber Scrap Collector FDB-05 1 pc (2) Fiber Setting Plate AD-16A 1 pc (3) Case, for cleaver CC-37 1 pc (4) Hexagonal Wrench HEX-01 1 pc

2024-06-07 15:34:13

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