해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sound Bar for Smart TV 2.1CH 190W Peak Power Soundbar with Subwoofer Detachable 2-in-1 BT 5.4 Newest Surround Sound System 12L Deep Bass for PC Game with HD-ARC/Opt/USB/AUX Home Theater

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상품구분 Electronics / Home Audio
브랜드 Brand: INFITBO
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 84.99
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2024 Launched Newest Detachable Sound System - Enhance your listening, viewing, and gaming experience with the INFITBO D40-4M soundbar and subwoofer. Upgraded to a peak power of 190W, featuring the latest BT 5.4 chip and added PC mode with USB audio cable transfer support. Perfect for home theaters and gamers.Deep Bass On Demand - The 12L capacity subwoofer delivers deep, powerful bass. Feel the action and rhythm with the 5.25\'\' subwoofer. Adjustable Bass+/- to suit your needs.Maximize Connection Compatibility - Surpassing other soundbars on the market, plug in any audio source via BT 5.4, HD-ARC, Optical, AUX, or USB (all cables included). Compatible with smart TVs, projectors, and supports USB audio transfer for PCs, laptops, and gaming equipment.Tailored Sound Modes - Optimize audio performance for movies, music, sports, games, and more. Easily adjust with the remote using 3 preset sound modes and Bass/Treble controls.Ultra Slim & Separable Design - Just over 2" tall, designed to fit most TVs. Easily wall-mount or place in front of your TV, or position on the left and right sides of your TV or PC for 360° surround sound. Doesn\'t block your TV\'s bottom edge or IR sensor, saving space.Quick Setup - Includes all accessories: HD-ARC cable, optical cable, 3.5mm audio cable, USB cable, wall mounting kit, and Quick Start Guide. Connect your TV and enjoy premium sound in minutes.Before purchasing, ensure your device\'s audio interface is compatible with our soundbar. For HD-ARC mode, make sure your TV interface has the ARC/eARC logo.Please note: The INFITBO D40-4M soundbar does not support Dolby. The left and right parts of the soundbar require wired connections, not wireless, and the subwoofer is also wired.

2024-11-29 05:39:52

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