해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Musical Bear Baby Crawling Toys for 1-2 Years Old, Baby Toys for 12-18 Months, Baby Crawling Toys with Bears, Penguins, Dinosaurs, Christmas Birthday Gift for 1+ Year Old Boys Girls

상품번호 B0D1G2DQ71
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Baby & Toddler Toys
브랜드 Brand: usrela
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $21.99
상품가격 상세보기

[Baby Crawling Toy] Usrela crawling toy is a new type of crawling toy, the bear is not only the guide of penguins and dinosaurs, but also the instructor of the baby to learn to crawl and even walk. The baby causes the baby\'s sports interest by pulling the bear forward, exercising the baby\'s motor skills. The crawling toy is suitable for the baby of 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18 months old.[Perfect Early Education Toys] Usrela\'s bear baby toys come in a variety of bright colors to develop children\'s cognitive abilities, and are paired with a variety of baby\'s favorite animals to teach babies to recognize animals and learn the shapes of animals (bears, penguins, dinosaurs). Therefore, this baby toy will meet the needs of baby\'s early education and become the best partner to accompany the baby\'s growth.[Dual Interaction Ways] There are two ways to interact with baby toys, one is to push and pull forward and interact with the baby, and in the inertial forward three animals will move around like waving to the baby to promote parent-child communication and interaction; The other is that the baby can pull the crawling toy forward, and the baby leads the captain Bear to explore the wonderful world.[Wonderful Music] Baby toys for 6 12 18 months with music, the baby just gently pull the rope can open the wonderful singing, stimulate the baby\'s interest in play, music will stimulate the baby\'s forward momentum, cultivate the baby\'s hand-eye coordination, hearing development, accompany the baby to thrive. (Requires 3*1.5V AAA not included)[Perfect Choice for Baby Gifts] In order to meet the baby\'s growth needs and attract the baby\'s attention, Usrela has designed a unique baby crawling toy that combines bears, penguins and dinosaurs, which is very suitable for crawlers and toddlers. The gift box is perfect for birthdays, Christmas and other holidays.

2024-07-11 12:02:54

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