해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Fumwase Gold Jewelry Set for Women Girls Fashion Costume Jewelry Multi Layered Necklaces Stackable Bracelets Hoop Earrings Knuckle Rings for Valentine Anniversary Birthday Gift

상품번호 B0D1G56RGY
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: Fumwase
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $11.99
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This stylish gold jewelry set consists of 4 necklaces, 6 pairs of earrings, 6 bracelets and 10 rings, designed to give you a variety of options to suit every occasion and style. Whether it\'s your daily commute, a romantic date or a big party, this set of jewelry will complement your outfit. specification Material: Alloy Size: as shown Color: Gold Contents: 4 necklaces, 6 pairs of earrings, 6 bracelets and 10 rings Feature Different designs: Classic design elements, suitable for women of all ages and styles. A variety of different styles of metal jewelry, prominent design style can be matched with a variety of clothes, can show the girl\'s beautiful and elegant temperament. A variety of occasions: suitable for birthday, Valentine\'s Day, Mother\'s Day, anniversary and other holiday gifts, for your friends and relatives to send good wishes. Dressing suggestion Everyday wear: Choose simple design pieces, such as classic pendant necklaces and pearl studs, for your daily commute. Formal occasions: Wear layered necklaces and rings inlaid with pearls, with evening gowns, to enhance the overall temperament. Casual style: Multi-layer bracelets and leather elements are paired with casual clothes for a stylish touch. Warm Tips Due to different manual measurement methods, there may be 1-3cm error, are within a reasonable range. Due to the different display, the real color and the picture may have color differences.

2024-07-10 07:00:28

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