해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
S.M.S.L A50Pro Amplifier,LPF&HPF,2.1 Channel Audio Amplifier,100W Bass Output Power, HiFi Bluetooth 5.0 Stereo Audio Amplifier,Supports HDMI (ARC),Passive Subwoofer,MA12070P*2 Chip

상품번호 B0D1G8TG5B
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상품가격 $89.99
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The SMSL A50Pro has Getting ten crossover frequency points adjustable for High-pass and low-pass each.Subwoofer\'s volume can set it separetely,which perfectly can use well for different main speaker and passive subwoofer and build your real 2.1 speaker system. It is the best amplifier option for a home living room computer desk.Using 2 MA12070P German Infineon\'s new silicon carbide digital power amplifier chips, with higher quality and an efficiency of up to 92%, further reducing energy consumption; 3.5MM full frequency output is used for active subwoofers and speakers.Supports Bluetooth, fiber optic, HDMI audio, USB, and line input; The new Bluetooth 5.0 technology combines low power consumption and high sound quality. Support HDMI (ARC) audio backhaul function, used to connect to the HDMI interface of the TV and achieve output of TV audio; Can connect passive speakers, passive subwoofers, televisions, etc.Electronic volume control to eliminate noise when adjusting the volume of the potentiometer. Fiber optic supports signal input up to 24bit/192kHz; Equipped with pop sound control circuit, there is no pop sound when turning on or off the machine. A high-power power adapter that adapts to the dynamic response of audio. Extremely small size for more flexible placement.You will receive A50Pro amplifier x1, power x1, user manual x1, remote control x1, Bluetooth antenna x1, USB cable x1, HDMI cable x1, as well as a 12 month worry free warranty and friendly customer service.

2024-06-10 21:08:18

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