해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Electric Wire Stripper and Twister for Drill, Wire Stripping and Twisting Tool,Portable Professional Electrician Tool Set for Power Drill Cable Quick Stripping and Connector

상품번호 B0D1H99TZ5
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: Handook
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $34.88
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【Easy Wire Stripping and Twisting Tool】Easily strip and twist wires with this electric wire stripper for drills, perfect for 2.5/4/6 mm² wire or AWG 13/11/9 wire.By using an electric drill, the wire sheath can easily rotate outward along the groove of the wire stripper, making it a much more convenient and efficient alternative to traditional manual wire strippers.【Easy to Use】Professional Electrician Wire Twisting Tool Set - Elevate your work efficiency with this electrician tool set. Wire stripping and twisting tool not only prevents finger injuries but also alleviates fatigue, ensuring a more comfortable and productive working experience.【Sharp and Safe】The Handook wire stripping tool features a high-hardness tungsten steel alloy blade, ensuring efficient and damage-free wire stripping. The stripping depth has been finely adjusted to protect the wire core. Replaceable blades guarantee long-lasting sharpness, while embedded blade installation enhances safety.【Widely Compatible】The tool is equipped with an adjustable-length connecting rod, allowing for customized stripping lengths ranging from 0.4-1.5 inch (10- 38mm)to meet various needs. Its standard 1/4 inch hexagonal connecting rod is designed to fit most handheld electric drills, ensuring wide compatibility. Additionally, it can also be used manually for added convenience.【Professional Electrician Tool Set】 Relevant for professionals in the field of electrical work, this portable tool enhances efficiency in construction, renovation, lighting projects, and more. Its user-friendly design makes it particularly effective for daily household repairs, especially for individuals less experienced with manual wire stripping pliers.

2024-06-05 14:31:32

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