해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2 in 1 Dual-use Sheet Music Stand & Desktop Book Stand, Large Wooden Book Holder, Height Adjustable from 20-51in,with Page Paper Clip for Cookbooks, Sheet Music, etc.(Big Board 16.5 * 11.8IN)

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상품가격 $109.99
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【2-in-1 Sheet Music Stand & Book Stand】: Our dual-purpose sheet music stand can be used on desk or floor. We have included a T-shaped desktop stand, allowing you to easily transform the floor-standing music stand into a desktop reading stand, catering to your diverse needs.【Multi-functional Reading Stand】: Our solid wood reading tray measures 16.5*11.8 inches and can withstand a maximum weight of 15 lbs. Additionally, it can be used as a Bible stand, sheet music holder, cookbook stand, laptop stand, projector stand, and more. Whether you are in a study, classroom, music room, kitchen, conference room, or auditorium, this reading stand is the perfect and exclusive choice for you.【Top-quality Ingredients】: Indulge in the elegance of our 100% solid wood reading tray, thoughtfully enhanced with high-quality metal support rods. With a weight of 10lb, this book holder for reading features a reinforced thickened base for enhanced stability, ensuring a secure and steady experience without any unwanted wobbling.【Easy to Store】: Embrace the simplicity of our adjustable book stand\'s installation process, thanks to the modular and scalable design components. When not in use, effortlessly retract and dismantle, taking up minimal storage space.【Enhance Your Reading Experience】: Our book holders is equipped with extension bars, telescopic rods, and a T-shaped desktop support frame, allowing for free adjustment of height and angle. Free your hands, improve sitting posture, and alleviate the pressure on the neck, shoulders, and waist caused by incorrect reading positions. Designed with ergonomics in mind, this music stand provides optimal comfort and support.Please refer to the installation instructions included in the packaging. If you have any questions, please let us know, and we will do our utmost to provide excellent service to our valued customers!

2024-07-10 10:13:41

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