해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hot Air Stirling Engine Generator That Runs, Alpha-Type Dual-Cylinder Dual-Piston Combustion Engine Model Build Kit Science Physical Experiment Toys for Mechanical Model Lovers

상품번호 B0D1VQM4VP
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Learning & Education
브랜드 Brand: OYDL
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $323.89
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✅Material: Stainless Steel + Brass + Aluminium Alloy + Bamboo. Product Dimensions: 19 x 13.8 x 20Cm. This engine utilizes 20mm power cylinders and 20mm stainless steel heating tubes on both sides. The heating tube on the heating side cylinder is notably longer than that on the cooling side, designed for optimizing compression ratio.✅Dual Cylinder Dual Piston Design: With a vertical cylinder design, the engine benefits from enhanced overall heat absorption, as the cooling cylinder volume exceeds that of the heating cylinder. This promotes rapid air cooling at high temperatures, creating a greater temperature differential.✅ Advanced α-Type Configuration: Our Stirling engine features an advanced α-type dual cylinder dual piston design, ensuring outstanding heat transfer efficiency. With separate hot and cold cylinders and stainless steel insulation between them, it delivers optimal performance.✅Crafted from premium materials, our Stirling engine is engineered with precision and durability in mind. This ensures longevity and resilience, making it a reliable investment for those seeking long-lasting, efficient power solutions.✅ Versatile Applications: From educational demonstrations to practical use, the α-type dual cylinder dual piston Stirling engine serves a wide range of purposes. It can be utilized as an excellent educational tool, captivating desktop ornament, or even a small-scale generator, catering to diverse interests and needs.
Specification: .Name: Alpha-Type Dual Cylinder Dual Piston Stirling Engine Model .Item: M20-T .Material: Stainless Steel + Brass + Aluminium Alloy + Bamboo .Form: Finished Version .Inner Diameter of Heating Tube: 20mm .Diameter of Piston: 20mm .Piston Stroke: 20mm .Flywheel Diameter: 78mm .Pulley Diameter: 20mm .Total Number of Bearings: 30 .Strat Mode: Manual Start .Product Weight: 2.2kg .Package Weight: 2.5kg .Product Dimensions: 190 x 138 x 200mm .Package Dimensions: 230 x 130 x 160mm .Packing: Box .Ages: 16+ Package Including .Stirling Engine *1 .Alcohol Lamp *1 .Instructions *1

2024-05-15 16:50:04

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