해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Feonase 63" Dining Table Set for 4-6, Extendable Dining Room Table with 2 Benches, 3 Pcs Kitchen Table for Small Space, Easy Clean, Walnut

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상품가격 $169.97
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Best for 4-6-8 Persons: The classic and simple dining table will blend seamlessly into your dining area, if more friends are invited to dinner do not worry about crowded seats, 1 person can quickly and smoothly extend the table to a maximum of 63\'\'(5¼ft) for a meal of 8, completely enough for family and friends daily dinnerPerfect for Small Space: Table dimensions: 63\'\' L x 28\'\' W x 30\'\' H(extended) / 47.3\'\' L x 28\'\' W x 30\'\' H (normal), bench: 42\'\' L x 12\'\' W x 18\'\' H. Weight capacity: table: 330lb, bench: 550lb. The two benches can be tucked under the table when not useSturdy & Durable: High quality thickened MDF wood board on the tabletop and benches provide ample support and feature an attractive wood grain finish. The sturdy T-shaped steel bars on the table and triangulars on benches provide extra support, stability promisedEasy to Assemble: All hardware, tools and instructions are included in package, allows you to quickly complete the assembly. Splashproof treated surface is waterproof and scratch-resistant, when there is juice or food spills, simply wipe itWidely Used: This small kitchen table set can be used not only at home but also in restaurants and other commercial places for customers. Space saving dinette for 6-8 has a spacious dining space for you to enjoy dinner, working hours, and afternoon tea, used as a dining table, computer table, study desk, soho working table, farmhouse or breakfast nook

2024-06-06 08:58:33

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