해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Soft Plush Stuffed Toys for Infants and Toddlers, Montessori Baby Toys with Music and Lights, Beat it to Make a Drum Sound, Infant Tummy Time Birthday Gifts for Baby 3-12 Months Old Girls & Boys

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상품가격 $25.99
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【Baby Plush Stuffed Toys with Music and Lights】: Our baby toys are designed to attract babies\' attention and make them happier with both sound and visual effects. With a soft and plush exterior, toys provide a safe and comforting playtime experience for infants and toddlers.【Interactive Drum Sound】: Beat the drum surface to produce a delightful sound that will captivate your child\'s attention. The music feature includes 16 different tunes that play in sequence when the switch is turned on, enhancing auditory development and rhythm skills.【Sensory Training and Early Music Education】: Our baby toys not only entertain, but also help develop sensory perception. The combination of lights and music engages multiple senses, Promote the multi-faceted development of babies.【Perfect Gift for Boys and Girls】: Looking for a birthday gift that will bring joy to any child? Look no further! Our baby toys are suitable for both boys and girls aged 3-6 9 12 Months 1 Year Old and above. They make a thoughtful and educational present for any occasion.【Easy to Clean and Care for】: While our baby toys are made to withstand playtime, it\'s important to note that they are not suitable for water washing. However, they can be easily spot cleaned with a damp cloth or wipe, ensuring long-lasting enjoyment for your little one.

2024-07-11 12:19:33

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점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00 / 토,일,공휴일 휴무
법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
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