해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
UMIDIGI Kids Tablet, 10 inch Android 13 Tablet for Kids Learning Gaming with Case, Parental Control, 8GB(4+4 Extended) RAM, 64GB ROM, HD Screen, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, 6000mAh (Pink)

상품번호 B0D26B46SY
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상품가격 $84.99
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Android 13 Tablet for Kids: Powered by latest Android 13 OS with quad core processor, faster, safer, smoother; The light EVA pink case and 360 degree rotate versatile ring on the case back supports stable stand for the tablet and easy for children to hand gripKids Park and Multiple Languages: UMIDIGI G2 Tab Kids tablet with preinstallted Kids Park includs drawing, STEM, arts, Math, etc to stimulate children\'s interest in exploration; Multiple languages options, such as English, Japanese, Spanish, French, etcLarge Screen Table: The lcd kids tablet equipped with eye care mode; 10.1 inch tablet with 1280×800 HD touch screen ensures a crisp and clear display viewing experience; Smart split screen feature supports to run two apps simultaneously8 GB RAM and Up to 1 TB ROM: UMIDIGI tablet with memory expansion tech extends 4 GB RAM to 8 GB and 64 GB ROM up to 1 TB with TF card, large storage room for photos, movies, songs; WiFi 6 realize fastly connect to downloading, streaming, online learningParental Control Mode: Childrens\' tablet with parental control to manage password, using time, streaming You Tube; This tablet for kids supports multi accounts for each child and as a regular tablet for adults after exiting kid modeLong Lasting Battery and Dual Cameras: This kids learning tablet with 6000 mAh battery keeps children to focus on drawing, learning online, watching movies or streaming You Tube videos; 8 MP front and rear cameras capture moments and take real time video

2024-09-05 19:50:27

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