해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nitrogen Oxides Sensor OEM 0281006643 68146136Ad Fits for 2015 2018-2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee Car Nox Sensor Nitrogen

상품번호 B0D28GM4FR
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: CMEFDC
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $168.99
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【Practical】: The nitrogen oxide sensor has high , fast response, high accuracy, made of metal material which is wear proof, anti aging and impact proof.【Easy to Install】: Stringently manufactured to meet the original standard, good replacement for the old or broken one, improving the time efficiency.【Features】: The accurate oxygen monitoring of the nitrogen oxide sensor can help the engine obtain optimal combustion conditions, reduce problems such as incomplete combustion and carbon deposits, and thereby extend the service of the engine.【Necessity】: Solve the problem of poor gas mileage or irregular engine idle speed, keep the car running smoothly and efficiently, and prolong the life of the engine.【Note】: Please use the year/brand/model drop-down bar to confirm compatibility before purchasing. Please make sure our part number is the same as your existing part number before purchasing.
[Material]: The nitrogen oxide sensor is made of metal material with high strength. The nitrogen oxide Nox sensor is sturdy and durable and has a long service.Symptoms of nitrogen oxide sensor failure: high fuel consumption/unstable idle speed/unstable acceleration/engine misfire and soot accumulation/check engine light on.【Purpose】: The NOx (nitrogen oxide) sensor is usually a high-temperature device used to measure oxide levels in the exhaust system. This measurement also helps optimize engine operation and ensure normal engine operation. Exhaust gas after-treatment system.[EASY INSTALLATION] - The nitrogen oxide sensor is a direct replacement for the old or broken one, making installation easy and convenient.Warm reminder: Please carefully check the product\'s OEM code and applicable car models before purchasing to ensure that the product is what you need.

2025-01-09 11:50:25

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