해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Queen Sheets Set of 6-100% Microfiber Queen Size Sheets with Extra Soft and Wrinkle Free - Set of 6 Sheets for Queen Size Bed with Deep Pockets, Striped - Gray/Silver

상품번호 B0D28PJW1T
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상품가격 $22.99
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Queen Size Sheets Wrinkle Free - Experience the ultimate comfort with our premium bedding that\'s designed to be both cozy and hassle-free. No need to worry about wrinkles or ironing; just sink into the plush softness and enjoy a restful sleep.Queen Bed Sheets With Hassle Free Cleaning - Enjoy comfort with our Queen Size Sheets. Cleaning is hassle-free – toss them in the washing machine with cold water and they\'ll be ready in no time, thanks to quick drying in the tumble. These sheets go the extra mile with resistance to fading, staining, shrinking, and wrinkling.Bed Sheets With Premium Brushed Microfiber - Our bed sheets are expertly crafted from the finest brushed microfiber, ensuring exceptional quality and longevity. We\'ve put in the effort to make them last longer, so you can enjoy luxurious comfort for years to come.Queen Sheet Set - Enjoy the Queen Size Luxury 4pc Bed Sheets Set, complete with 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and 2 pillowcases . The fitted sheet has deep pockets with elastic all around (not just the corners like other sheets), making it perfect for mattresses up to 16\'\'.This premium bedsheet set includes a flat sheet measuring 102x90 inches, a fitted sheet measuring 80x60 inches, and pillowcases sized at 20x30 inches.
Elevate your bedding experience to a new level of luxury and comfort with our Queen Sheets Set of 6. Crafted from 100% microfiber, these Queen Size Sheets offer an extraordinary blend of softness and practicality, providing you with the ultimate sleep sanctuary. Say goodbye to the hassle of wrinkled bedding, as our Wrinkle-Free Bedding Sheet ensures your nights are filled with serene relaxation. Experience the joy of simply sinking into plush softness without the worry of ironing. Upgrade your comfort with the Queen Size Luxury 6pc Bed Sheets Set, which includes one flat sheet measuring 102\'\'x105\'\', one fitted sheet measuring 80\'\' x 60\'\', and two pillowcases measuring 20\'\'x30\'\'. The fitted sheet features deep pockets with elastic all around – not just at the corners like other sheets. This innovative design ensures a snug fit for mattresses up to 16\'\', promising undisturbed sleep throughout the night. Cleaning becomes a breeze with our Queen Size Sheets. Simply toss them into the washing machine with cold water, and they\'ll be ready in no time, thanks to their quick-drying properties in the tumble dryer. These sheets go above and beyond traditional material, offering exceptional resistance to fading, staining, shrinking, and wrinkling, maintaining their pristine appearance even after numerous cycles. Experience the pinnacle of quality with our Premium Brushed Microfiber Hotel Sheets. Meticulously crafted from the finest brushed microfiber, these sheets are a testament to our commitment to exceptional quality and durability. We\'ve taken the extra effort to ensure they remain in top condition, delivering unrivaled comfort that lasts for years to come. At the heart of our approach is effortless care. We understand the value of your time, which is why we\'ve made caring for your bed sheets as simple as possible. A straightforward machine wash keeps them in peak condition, ensuring your bed remains a haven of comfort and relaxation.

2024-10-01 19:56:40

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