해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
512GB RetroBat Game Card System for Handheld Game Console Windows OS, Game Card Retro Game Batocera System Emulator for PC Laptop, Retro Game Card for Windows, MSI Claw, Legion Go, ROG Ally

상품번호 B0D298Q4TK
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Video Games / Handheld Game Systems
브랜드 Brand: POWERNEWS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $82.99
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This product includes only the game card. It does not come with the console. Note:Support for MSI CLAW; Legion Go; This game card does NOT Support ROG Ally.The best Emulation Station for your Windows OS [Game Card ONLY] This product includes only the game card. It does not come with the console.The collection of 51000+ classic games without duplicates emulators, Support adding video games by yourself.100% Plug and Play Video Game Game Card for Windows OS, No driver or power cable required! Play retro gaming console directly without sacrificing graphics, load times or frame rates.[RetroBat] The super console is equipped with Batocera gaming system, which is more powerful! There are not only a variety of game themes, but the UI is also simple and intuitive. Here you will also find the game\'s read/save functions, forward, rewind...[Powerful Performance] High Speed 512GB Game Card with speeds up to 130+ MB/s. Experience no lag gaming and full throttle performance.RetroBat 5.3.0 Operating System please install Retrobat according to the instructions before entering the game system. RetroBat software is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators.With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play! RetroBat enables accessing and adding games to run directly from within Windows, without having to enter Bios to switch systems.No driver is needed,your computer will instantly become a game console, 51000 games for you to play.(You need to install and set up Retrobat according to the instructions when you frist time to play.) Switching to Windows takes only 0.1 seconds.

2025-01-12 09:56:24

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