해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AMTIFO Baby Powerful Stroller Fan: Portable Fast Charging Mini Baby Fans 4 Speeds - Flexible Small Tripod Clip On Fan Strong Legs for Car Seat Bed Golf Cart Beach Tent Bike Treadmill

상품번호 B0D2D3S7FV
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상품가격 $19.97
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VERSATILE USE: The stroller fan is an ideal choice for various summer activities, including walking, picnics, trips, camping, cycling, and family gatherings. It is highly versatile, suitable for handheld, hanging, or tabletop use, and can be wrapped around items such as strollers, car seats, beds, bicycles, cribs, treadmills, and golf carts.4 ADJUSTABLE WIND SPEED SETTINGS: You can control the airflow according to your needs. Low speed is suitable for sleeping at night and for babies, while the turbo high speed can quickly cool down in hot weather or during prolonged outdoor activities.PORTABLE FAN FOR OUTDOOR: The beach fan features brushless motor technology, which triples the fan speed and extends the service life by ten times. With turbine-type blades, it delivers powerful airflow over an effective distance of more than 7 feet, and its size has been reduced by 60%, making it compact and portable.LONG-LASTING BATTERY LIFE: The golf cart fan charges via USB-C and with the new energy battery, it lasts for 2.5 to 12 hours, depending on the wind speed. The turbine blade design and low-power consumption structure extend the fan\'s runtime, enhancing the usability and convenience of the rechargeable fan.FLEXIBLE AND STURDY LEGS: The car seat fan\'s tripod has been upgraded with a multi-fold core for enhanced bending capabilities without the risk of breaking. Wrapping is more stable. The exterior is made from food-grade silicone through hot pressing and molding, ensuring safety and environmental friendliness.Safety and Environmental Friendliness: The small fan is designed for babies and moms,highly effective for cooling during labor and postpartum and on strollers, especially in hot weather or amusement parks. Baby stroller fan is also very useful in the bedroom during power outages. It\'s made of eco-friendly ABS and silicone, safety-tested, with no sharp edges and a stable, non-tip octopus design for infant safety.DESIGN FOR BABY AND MOMS: Highly effective for cooling during labor and delivery and on strollers, Mini fan’s low speed simulates a natural wind environment, providing a gentle and natural wind that is suitable for babies\' sensitive skin, creating a comfortable sleeping environment for newborns. Enhanced with improved aerodynamic noise reduction technology, noise levels as low as 20dB for ultra-quiet operation.QUALITY ASSURANCE: Provide 1 year return or refund service. In addition, we also provide free lifetime technical support and a professional after-sales team with 24-hour online response.

2024-07-10 07:30:20

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