해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
(Assembly Completed) T13 Action Figure Set, Titan 13 Robot Action Figure 3D Printed robot Multi-Jointed Movable, DUMMY 13 Action Figure Articulated, for Collectors Desktop Decorations(yellow)

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상품가격 $17.99
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【Figure assembled and completed】 No need to cause fingers hurt during installation.Each joint of the action figure set is fully movable, allowing for flexible bending and swinging. With its flexible design, it offers endless possibilities for dynamic play and creative displays.【2 Angle Wings and 4 Weapon Set】2 pairs of white angel wings, 4 kinds new weapons. Different from others, our professional designer(soozafon) made unique weapons, these legendary swords make the figure more majestic looking. Weapon Included:2 x White Demon Swords,1 x Black Two-Handed Great Sword, 1 x Black Claymore Sword, 1 x Black Big Sword, 3pairs (6pcs) handtype, it will help the figure for a wide range of poses and emotions.【Safe Material】All T13 action figures are produced using 3D printers and manually assembled with high-quality PETG environmental & plastic materials, ensuring the product has a sturdy structure and vibrant colors.【Decoration】You can use them on desks, back packs, and more, all of which are excellent decorations that allow you to play with Dummy 13 action figure when you are anxious. Its will prevent mental exhaustion and relieve your high tension.【Best Gift】 Whether it\'s a love of toys or a fascination with futuristic robot aesthetics, robot figures make a unique and precious gift choice. Ideal for friends who are creative, curious and appreciate unusual things.

2024-05-15 09:11:24

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