해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Tablet|Upgraded Android 14 Tablet 10 inch for Kids with Protective Case|Octa-Core|64GB|1TB TF Card Expandable|Dual Camera|Parental Control|Pre-intalled KIDOZ|Great Gift for Toddler(Blue)

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【A Must Have Tablet for Kids】Jeazans kids tablet is specially designed for kids with preinstalled popular kid\'s App KIDOZ and advanced parental control password protection system. The age filtering function in KIDOZ ensures that children will only see filtered content and the parental control password protection system allows parents to control the Android tablet and add apps to their children’s profiles based on age. Always providing your kids a safe and clean online environment for having fun, no need to constant supervision.【High Performance Android Tablet】Jeazans tablet for kids is equipped with the latest operating system Android 14.0 which is safer and faster than the previous android versions and it can also eliminate unwanted ads. The kids tablets adopt 2.0 GHz Octa-Core processor which is 40% faster than normal processors on basic frequency. The Android kids tablet came with 8GB RAM, 64 GB ROM and includes a micro SD card slot, which you can easily expand the storage space to 1TB with a Micro SD Card (not included), making it easier to store e-books, songs, pictures, videos, and more!【HD Display with Eyes Protection】1280*800 IPS HD touchscreen provides outstanding visual experience from full angles and the 323 PPI resolution and high-contrast ratio makes details pop. Jeazans tablet for kids enables you get full access to Google Play to download a large number of up-to-date educational apps . The 10 inch kids tablet LCD designed with low blue light technology . With one click of a button to enter the professional reading mode, the screen flicker and the damage to the eyes caused by irritating blue light will be reduced, and kids will be able to have a good time safer and with more comfort.【Large Capacity Battery with Fast Charge】The built-in large lithium polymer battery and low consumption CPU enable our Jeazans kids tablet 10 inch to stand by for up to 3 days and allows your kids to enjoy up to 6 hours of mixed reading, watching TV shows, surfing the web, playing games. It is really a good companion for your kids playing and learning. Our kids tablet adopts fast-charging technology which can be fully charged in 1.5 hour and easily charge via the USB Type-C port and rest assured the battery will last.【Portable Kids Tablet with Free Case】Jeazans android tablets is slim and lightweight which fits easily in bags, backpacks, making it possible for you to take anywhere, anytime.The free food-grade silicone case is designed to prevent the kids tablet from damage during falls and collisions. The adjustable stand enables kids to get excellent viewing experience from all angles. Durable and firm, easy to carry especially suitable for children aged 2-10. Truly a must have wonderful gift for birthday, Christmas, holiday season for your kids. Let your kids explore their imagination and creativity as much as possible!【Purchase with Confidence】Jeazans tablet comes with 1-year warranty. The Jeazans team is focused on providing reliable products, customer service, giving our customer a pleasant shopping experience. Please contact us if you have any questions about this tablet.

2024-09-05 22:10:38

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