해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ANDYCINE T6 6inch DSLR Video Monitor 1920x1080 Durable Aluminum Shell On Camera 4K HDMI Camera Monitor with All Waveform,3D Lut(Battery,Carry Case Include Bundle)

상품번호 B0D2K2JMSJ
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상품가격 $129.00
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[6Inch Aluminum Frame] ANDYCINE T6 Monitor with aluminum frame protect your devices. More Durable than the cheap plastic shell. The plastic interlayer in outstanding bright yellow color. Perfect screen size for gimbal and handheld stabilizers with 1920*1080P native resolutions[Advanced functions]The T6 4k camera monitor enable the advanced function like Waveform, histogram,focus assist, peaking, false color, image flip etc which will help you shoot and focus in accurate. 3D Lut Loadable, you can preview your LUT files by loading LUT into the camera field monitors[HDMI 2.0]The HDMI Input and output in HDMI 2.0 Standard which is to say it will accept the Max 4K 60 FPS signals. Not like other version or model can only support 4K 30FPS.Upgrade version will compatible wide HDMI signal format.[More from ANDYCINE T6] This on camera field monitor accept the triple power from Battery, DC Input, USB-C Input. The updated UI is clear and easy to operate.Meanwhile, it can memorize 5 group of user default settings. Much easier for different users. With dual 1/4inch threaded screws mounting holes will extend your mounting positions.[Adequate Bundle] Package come with battery,battery charger,micro HDMI Cords,Carry Case. Start to use at once no extra coin spend on batteries. Include the sunhood,it helps monitor the screen on strong sunlight.Save your money and time to create more significant image&video works.

2024-09-05 14:16:03

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