해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Elikliv Autofocus 4K HDMI Digital Microscope, EM4K-AF Flex Arm Soldering Microscope for Adults, 10.1" Coin Microscope with Ring Light, 52MP LCD Microscopes with Screen, Electronics Repair Mat, 64G

상품번호 B0D2KB1PRR
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상품가격 278.99
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The First Auto-Focus Digital Microscope: This HDMI microscope for adults automatically adjusts focus swiftly, reducing manual effort; AI algorithms ensure continuous clarity by refocusing as objects move, enhancing convenience and ease of useFast, Responsive TOF Sensor Microscope with Screen: The EM4K-AF Flex microscope uses an advanced TOF sensor for precise distance measurements and quick focus adjustments within 2 seconds; It operates effectively in various lighting conditionsRevolutionary 4K Digital Microscope: Upgrade to 4K UHD video and 52MP imaging with the Elikliv micro soldering microscope; Enjoy stunning 4K (3840x2160P) video and 52MP (9600x5400P) images, delivering exceptional clarity and smooth, ghost-free visualsUpgraded Flex Arm Microscope: The soldering microscope features a versatile cantilever stand with vertical, horizontal, and 360° rotation; Adjust angles with precision and save space with its foldable design, enhancing comfort and efficiency for your tasksStunning 10.1" IPS Screen: The Elikliv coin microscope boasts a 10.1-inch IPS display with 1280 x 800P HD resolution and a wide color gamut; Experience unparalleled clarity, vibrant colors, and a 178-degree viewing angle for an immersive visual experienceThree Screen UHD Microscope: Experience immersive 4K viewing with our soldering microscope for electronics repair; HDMI/USB output lets you view on any compatible monitor or computer, ensuring exceptional image quality and a seamless experience in any settingCoin Microscope with Thumbnail: Reveal tiny details swiftly with video microscope; Efficiently examine electronics and coins, capturing minute features with ease; Enhance your analysis with a tool designed to uncover intricate details quickly effectivelySoldering Mat for Digital Microscope: This 17.7" x 11.8" heat-resistant silicone mat withstands up to 932°F; It includes a scale ruler, part boxes, magnetic areas, and screw positions, enhancing precision and organization in your soldering tasksIlluminate Ring Light Microscope with Light: Equipped with a bright ring light, the 4K Microscope enhances brightness and uniform illumination, revealing intricate details; Immerse in precision and clarity as you confidently uncover the unseenBuilt-In Battery Error Coin Microscope: Enjoy the portability of an HDMI microscope 2000X with a rechargeable battery; Take it anywhere for outdoor activities or on-the-go inspections; Never be limited by power constraints again

2024-12-01 01:40:54

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