해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Diaper Changing Table, Portable Diaper Changing Table with Wheels, Foldable Changing Table with 3-Level Adjustable Height, Portable Changing Table with Storage Oatmeal

상품번호 B0D2R66MPX
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상품가격 $139.99
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【KUB Portable Changing Table】- Dedicated to natural parenting and prioritizing baby safety, KUB introduces a unique portable changing table that has successfully passed CPC certification. This diaper changing table for baby is crafted to be phthalate-free, non-toxic, BPA-free, and non-allergenic, ensuring a secure environment for your little one.【3-Level Adjustable Height】- This portable changing table offers three adjustable heights - 32.6\'\', 33.8\'\', and 35\'\' - catering to parents of various heights. This ergonomic design reduces strain on knees and backs, ensuring a comfortable diaper-changing experience.【Large Storage Space & Multifunctionality】- Featuring 3-compartment storage baskets on one side and a hanging bucket on the other, this baby diaper changing station is ideal for storing dirty cloth nappies, soothing toys, or clothing. Additionally, a spacious bottom shelf minimizes the need for frequent bending, facilitating convenient diaper changes. The versatile design of this portable changing tables for baby also allows for use in bathing, nursery activities, and cloth drying.【Sturdy Construction & Premium Materials】- This infant foldable diaper changing table is equipped with a tension strap to prevent accidental folding, ensuring the safety of your baby. The 4-side protective plates of this changing table offer added security against falls. This portable changing table Crafted with durable Oxford fabric cover and a 100% polyurethane liner for enhanced comfort, while the steel tube stand enhances stability.【Easy Foldability & Portability】- The stable compact construction of this baby diaper changing table allows for placement in any room corner without occupying much space. The ONE-STEP folding feature of this changing table for baby streamlines diaper changes, while four lockable and universal wheels ensure easy mobility.

2024-09-05 17:04:13

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