해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Convertible Folding Futon Sofa Bed Sleeper Couch for Living Room Faux Leather Upholstered Loveseat w/Removable Armrests, Metal Legs, 2 Cup Holders, Black

상품번호 B0D35H3QHD
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: Shahoo
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $149.99
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3 Adjustable Positions: The Futon Sofa Bed Perfect for any occasion, three backrest settings let you enjoy family Talk, watch a long-awaited sports event or movies, or lets you enjoy a peaceful night\'s sleep!Seating for 2: With a weight capacity of up to 500lbs, this stylish futon sofa allows you to lounge in comfort while preventing your favourite drink with the cup holder in the middle!Convertible Futon Sofa Bed: Convert from a sofa to a comfy bed in just a few seconds with the removable arm pillows and adjustable backrests for a cosy rest in your living room!Thoughtful Design: This sofa bed is made of tufted faux leather and 4 chrome-plated metal legs for durability, with space to store cups and removable armrests for convenience!Suitable for Small Spaces: this sofa bed dimensions: 65"(L) x 32"(W) x 14"(H) , taller people are recommended to use it with an Ottoman to extend the length of this sofa bed!
Shahoo Convertible Folding Futon Sofa Bed Sleeper Couch Q1: What\'s it made of? A1:Unlike cotton sofas, this sofa is upholstered in faux leather, which is delicate and soft to the touch and easy to clean, but not as warm as cotton sofas, so it is recommended to use it with cotton cushions. Q2: What are its dimensions? A2:The longest side of this sofa is 65", if you are taller than this, you will need to curl up when sleeping on it, which is a slight inconvenience, so we recommend that you use it with an ottoman. Q3: How much weight can it support? A3:It has been tested to have a load bearing capacity of around 500lbs and is perfectly capable of taking two people sitting on it. Q4: How can I use it? A4:Once installed, just use a little force to slowly straighten its backrest and lower the small table with cup holder in the centre, and he becomes a sofa for two people, on which you can sit and chat with your friends and enjoy your leisure time!

2024-06-03 22:01:35

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