해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Arbor Skateboards Surfskate + Swell Skateboards Skatetool - Jordan Brazie Surfskate

상품번호 B0D38CX43X
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상품가격 $279.00
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Versatile and high-performance board for all types of ridingPool shape inspired by early pool skating pioneersWide standing platform and long wheelbase for stability and controlCrafted from 7 Ply Sustainable Canadian MapleEquipped with Carver CX / C2.4 6.5" trucks and Arbor Easyrider Series - Cannon wheels
Arbor Collective Jordan Brazie Surfskate L: 33.0” W: 10.0” WB: 20.0” Description: Experience the ultimate in speed and looseness with the Jordan Brazie Surfskate. The Brazie shape features a two-in-one outline design that brings speed and looseness to an egg-like mid-length board. This unique design allows the rider to carve more from a forward position on the board, giving you an unmatched surfing experience on land. Materials & Components: Deck: Crafted from 7-ply sustainable Canadian Maple, the deck of the Jordan Brazie Surfskate is not only durable but also eco-friendly. The wood material comes from sustainable sources of supply, and the wood by-product is reclaimed for use in other products. Trucks: Equipped with Carver C7 / C2.4 6.5" trucks, this board offers smooth and responsive turns, allowing you to carve with precision and control. Wheels: The Arbor Easyrider Series - Cannon wheels are designed for driving down the line and slashing urban barrels. With a size of 65.0mm and a durometer of 78A, these wheels provide a perfect balance of speed and grip. The momentum core dampens bumpy rides, while the Venice formula ensures a soft and grippy feel. Other Components: This board comes with ABEC 7 bearings with spacers for a smooth and fast ride. The 3/16" Carver padded risers enhance shock absorption, and the recycled glass re-grit provides excellent traction. Add to Your Collection: Enhance your surfing experience with the Jordan Brazie Surfskate. Whether you\'re a seasoned rider looking for a new challenge or a beginner looking to improve your skills, this board is perfect for riders of all levels.

2024-09-29 11:37:10

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