해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Estwing 18" I-Beam Pry Bar & 3-Piece Pry Bar Set with 5.5", 7.5" & 10" Nail Pullers

상품번호 B0D3CY798R
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상품가격 $36.26
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Includes three pry bars (5.5", 7.5", and 10") for pulling nails and prying boards during demolition, construction, and remodeling projects.Engineered with high leverage design to maximize torque, outperforming standard wrecking bars for efficient nail pulling.Forged from a single piece of solid steel for maximum durability and strength.Angled chisel ends ensure ease of prying, lifting boards, and trim work.Made in the USA using quality steel.
This bundled pry bar set from Estwing includes their premium 18-inch nail puller along with a convenient 3-piece set with 5.5-inch, 7.5-inch and 10-inch bars. The 18-inch nail puller features Estwing\'s extreme leverage design which produces maximum torque for pulling nails and prying boards. Its lightweight yet durable I-beam construction and forged steel body make it the optimal choice for heavy duty demolition work. Complementing this tool is Estwing\'s 3-piece pry bar set which offers added versatility for trim work, moulding, and lifting applications. From small 5.5-inch to medium 10-inch sizes, this set\'s ergonomic bars have chisel ends to provide leverage where needed. Together these American-made tools form a rugged pry bar bundle suitable for carpenters, contractors, and serious DIYers seeking premium leverage and durability.

2024-06-04 03:06:10

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