해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
K3 Mini PC Core i7-1255U, Fanless Computers(10C/12T, Up to 4.7GHz) 16GB DDR4/1TB PCIe4.0 SSD, Metal Case, Small Industrial PC Win11 Pro, 8K UHD/2.5G LAN/Thunderbolt 4/WiFi 6E/BT5.3, Home&Office

상품번호 B0D3D25M45
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상품가격 $569.00
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?[Pre-Sales Support]Not sure if this Mini PC is the perfect fit? ✅Just get in touch with us for expert advice and fast answers!?[12th Gen Core i7-1255U Fanless Mini PC]The TOPGRO K3 fanless mini computer is powered by the latest 12th generation Core i7-1255U (10C/12T, 12M cache, up to 4.7GHz). GPU core with Iris Xe graphics processor. The Mini PC features a silent, fanless design and brushed aluminium chassis for excellent durability and heat dissipation. And they have the advantage of being small and portable, consuming less power while still delivering high performance.?[16GB DDR4 + 1TB M.2 NVMe PCIe 4.0 SSD]TOPGRO K3 Fanless mini pc has 16GB DDR4 RAM (DDR4 is faster and more efficient than DDR3, and consumes up to 40% less power for longer battery life.) and 1TB M.2 NVMe PCIe4.0 SSD (PCIe 4.0 SSDs offer twice the speed of PCIe 3.0 SSDs and four times the speed of SATA SSDs). An additional 2x M.2 2280 SSD slot, expandable up to 8TB.?[8K UHD & 4 Screens Support]Equipped with Iris Xe graphics card and features 1 x Thunderbolt 4 (8K 60Hz), 1 x DP1.4 (4K 120Hz), and 2 x HDMI 2.0 (4K 60Hz) output ports. You can multitask, play games, and enjoy clearer, more lifelike visuals on up to four monitors simultaneously. The Thunderbolt 4 port also supports faster PD power delivery and up to 40 Gbps of data transfer, enabling seamless connections to external GPUs and other peripherals.?[WiFi 6E + Bluetooth 5.3]With WiFi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3, experience the power of the 802.11ax network protocol. WiFi 6E delivers speeds three times faster than WiFi 5, enabling fast website browsing, buffer-free movie streaming, and effortless file downloads. Bluetooth 5.3 ensures quick connections to wireless keyboards, mice, speakers, and more, freeing you from the hassle of wired desktops.?[2.5Gbps LAN & multi-interface adaptation]2.5 Gigabit Ethernet gets you ready for blazing-fast internet connections and high-speed browsing, offering speeds 2.5 times faster than a standard Gigabit Ethernet port. It also comes with a variety of interfaces, including 1x 3.5mm headphone jack, 1x 3.5mm microphone jack, 2x 2.5 Gbps RJ45 LAN, 2x USB 2.0, 4x USB 3.2 Gen1, 1x Thunderbolt 4, 1x DP 1.4, and 2 HDMI 2.0 ports.?[Exceptional After-Sales Support]The TOPGRO mini gaming PC computers come ready to use with a seamless experience right out of the box. For any pre-sale or after-sale support, please don\'t hesitate to reach out to us, and we\'ll be sure to respond within 24 hours.

2025-01-09 10:43:18

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