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Apple iPad Pro 11-Inch (M4): Built for Apple Intelligence, Ultra Retina XDR Display, 256GB, 12MP Front/Back Camera, LiDAR Scanner, Wi-Fi 6E, Face ID, All-Day Battery Life — Silver

상품번호 B0D3J6L2ZC
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WHY IPAD PRO — iPad Pro is the ultimate iPad experience in an impossibly thin and light design. Featuring the breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, outrageous performance from the M4 chip, superfast wireless connectivity,* and compatibility with Apple Pencil Pro.* Plus powerful productivity features in iPadOS.BUILT FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE—Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that helps you write, express yourself, and get things done effortlessly. With groundbreaking privacy protections, it gives you peace of mind that no one else can access your data—not even Apple.*11-INCH ULTRA RETINA XDR DISPLAY — Ultra Retina XDR delivers extreme brightness and contrast and exceptional color accuracy and features advanced technologies like ProMotion, P3 wide color, and True Tone.* Plus a nano-texture display glass option is available in 1TB and 2TB configurations.PERFORMANCE AND STORAGE — Up to 10-core CPU in the M4 chip delivers powerful performance, while the 10‑core GPU provides blazing-fast graphics. And with all-day battery life, you can do anything you imagine on iPad Pro.* Up to 2TB of storage means you can store everything from apps to large files like 4K video.*IPADOS + APPS — iPadOS makes iPad more productive, intuitive, and versatile. With iPadOS, run multiple apps at once, use Apple Pencil to write in any text field with Scribble, and edit and share photos.* Stage Manager makes multitasking easy with resizable, overlapping apps and external display support. iPad Pro comes with essential apps like Safari, Messages, and Keynote, with over a million more apps available on the App Store.APPLE PENCIL AND MAGIC KEYBOARD FOR IPAD PRO — Apple Pencil Pro transforms iPad Pro into an immersive drawing canvas and the world’s best note‑taking device. Apple Pencil (USB-C) is also compatible with iPad Pro. Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro features a thin and light design, a great typing experience, and a built‑in glass trackpad with haptic feedback, while doubling as a protective cover for iPad.*ADVANCED CAMERAS — iPad Pro features a landscape 12MP Ultra Wide front camera that supports Center Stage for videoconferencing or epic Portrait mode selfies. The 12MP Wide back camera with adaptive True Tone flash is great for capturing photos or 4K video with ProRes support. Four studio-quality microphones and a four-speaker audio system provide rich audio. And AR experiences are enhanced with the LiDAR Scanner to capture a depth map of any space.CONNECTIVITY — Wi-Fi 6E gives you fast wireless connections.* Work from almost anywhere with quick transfers of photos, documents, and large video files. Connect to external displays, drives, and more using the USB-C connector with support for Thunderbolt / USB 4.UNLOCK AND PAY WITH FACE ID — Unlock your iPad Pro, securely authenticate purchases, sign in to apps, and more — all with just a glance.** LEGAL DISCLAIMERS — This is a summary of the main product features. See below to learn more.

2024-11-30 17:45:36

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