해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
7 in 1 Baby Food Maker - Food Blender Steamer Puree Maker Auto Cooking Grinding with Touch Screen Control: Baby Food Processor with Milk Warmer Steam Boil Water Brew Milk

상품번호 B0D3LCC48D
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상품가격 $49.99
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?7 IN 1 BABY FOOD MAKER SAVE SPACE: This baby food processor has steam, blend, boil water, brew milk,warm milk,keep warm and steam cleaning functions. It allows cooks, blends,warms and defrosts your food and can be used as a bottle warmer/ sterilizer to reduce need for seperate appliances and save space.?MAKE HEALTHY DELICIOUS FOOD:This baby pure maker is equipped with a steaming bowl to steam the food, and a blender to blend the steamed food into puree, being able to make various foods like mashed pumpkin. It greatly preserves nutrients and natural flavor of the food, ensuring that your baby enjoy healthy and delicious food.?LARGE CAPACITY AND PREMIUM MATERIAL: Thanks to its large 1L steaming bowl and 350ML blender capacity, The baby food processor and steamer make up to one week of fresh and nutritious food in just minutes. Blender cup made from Tritan material, the blades is made of 304 stainless steel. BPA/lead/phthalates/odor/latex/petroleum free, which is reliable and durable.?SIMPLE TO USE & CLEAN: Our baby food steamer has touch buttons to select the functions and adjust the set temperature or time, with the LED screen displaying your operation. It\'s easy to clean. The steaming bowl heats quickly and can heat directly without a water reservoir thanks to the 600W heating power.?PERFECT GIFT FOR NEW PARENTS: Our baby blender food maker and steamer has a bright light for nighttime use. It is a practical gift for new parents on Mother\'s Day, Father‘s Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas. Ixdregan provides a 2-year warranty and lifetime technical support for every customer. Please trust to purchase! If you are unsatisfied with this baby food steamer and blender or have any other concerns, please contact us before returning it. We will respond to you within 12 hours and provide you with a 100% satisfactory solution.

2024-05-15 11:54:17

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