해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Fruit Food Feeder & Breastmilk Popsicle Molds, Silicone Baby Food Freezer Tray for Cooling Teething Relief, Baby Food Feeder for Safe Infant Self Feeding, includes 3 Extra Food Pacifier

상품번호 B0D3M4DP96
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상품가격 $9.99
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✅ 【Baby Popsicle Molds】: Great for introducing solid food to babies. Freeze breast milk, juice, puree, or other food in a baby food freezer tray, then put the frozen pieces into the feeder pacifier and you will get a frozen popsicle, perfect for baby teething relief.✅ 【Food Grade Silicone】: This baby fruit feeder set is all made of food grade silicone, ensuring it is safe for baby food storage, and baby feeding, and can be used in the dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, or steamer. It is easier to clean than mesh feeders, with no hidden corners.✅ 【Safe Feeder Design】: One-piece silicone handle design without any small parts to prevent choking. The soft silicone food nipple has a 2mm small hole that only allows small pieces to pass to ensure safe feeding.✅ 【Practical Baby Feeder】: Not just a baby food feeder, but also a baby teether that relieves baby teething discomfort. The kitten Teether is great for trying new foods and encouraging your baby to feed themselves. It can also be prepared in batches, which is simple, convenient, and practical.✅ 【Baby Feeding Set】: Each package comes with 1 baby feeder and 3 replaceable silicone bags, 1 silicone freezer tray with lid. You can choose the right size for your baby in different months. It\'s the perfect gift for new moms and babies!

2024-07-10 07:31:40

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