해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
256GB Photo Stick USB Memory Phone Flash Drive, AUAMOZ External Memory Thumb Storage for Photo and Video Backup, Compatible with iPhone iPad Android PC (Dark Blue)

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상품가격 $39.99
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Free up iPhone and iPad Memory Space Immediately: If your iPhone or iPad has almost used up all the memory space, this iphone usb storage flash drive can help alleviate 256GB of storage space. Whether you like to shoot short videos or take selfies, our iphone memory stick are perfect for you. You don\'t have to pay extra for additional storage space, just plug in the external storage space of your iphone. Enjoy the extra space 256GB of the iphone flash drive.High Transfer Speed: Transfer photos, videos, and files in seconds with our USB stick. With a write speed of up to 30 MB/s and a read speed of up to 80 MB/s, our flash drive for iphone have higher performance than conventional usb storage flash drive. Save time and get more done with iphone photo storage stick. (Tip: iPhone/iPad needs to download "Y-DISK" APP from APP Store when using memory stick; Android phone/PC no need to download APP)High Compatibility: The Phone thumb drive is designed for use with a wide range of devices, including iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max, iPhone 14, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 14 Plus, iPhone 13, 13 Pro max, 13 Pro, 13 mini, 12 Pro max, 12 Pro, 12, 12 mini, 11 Pro max, 11 Pro, 11, XS MAX, XS, XR, X, 8, 7, 6, 6s, 5s (System Version 8.2 Or higher). The photo stick supports Android smartphones (Need to open OTG function). Our USB storage drives also support computers and other devices with USB-C ports.One-Click Backup: Back up your files, photos, videos and Phone book with just one click. Our iphone photo stick is easy to use and comes with an APP that allows you to back up your data quickly and easily. Our iphone usb flash drive supports sharing photos to social media such as: Facebook, Twitter, etc., and you can even take photos or videos on our jump drive and save them directly to the drive. With 256GB of storage space, you\'ll have more space and time to do what you love.Securing Personal Files: The phone photo transfer stick provides a separate password function to encrypt the file information in the app. You can set a password to effectively protect your private files and protect the whole storage or selected parts. In this way, you can use the iphone thumb drive with confidence and enjoy a more comfortable and secure file storage experience.

2024-09-05 04:15:52

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